Brahms 3

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This past week, I joined the Stock­ton Sym­pho­ny for a con­cert that includ­ed Smetana’s The Moldau, He Zhan­hao & Chen Gang’s But­ter­fly Lovers Vio­lin Con­cer­to, and Brahm­s’s 3rd Sym­pho­ny. I had the plea­sure of play­ing with my friend Nico­lasa Kuster, who teach­es bas­soon at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic, and one of her for­mer stu­dents, Annalea Mil­li­gan. Here’s a shot of our sec­tion after the con­cert (stolen from Prof. Kuster’s blog):

Brahms 3 bassoon section

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