Double Reed Masterclasses at Sac State

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Tonight, Deb Shi­dler and I held a pair of dou­ble reed mas­ter­class­es at Sac State. We host­ed a dozen or so tal­ent­ed junior high and high school oboists and bas­soon­ists, many of whom are prepar­ing to sub­mit audi­tion record­ings for the Cal­i­for­nia CBDA All-State band and orches­tra audi­tions. I had a great time with the bas­soon­ists, lis­ten­ing to them play the Tele­mann F minor Sonata (their required piece) and work­ing on get­ting their scales up to snuff. At the end, the oboes and bas­soons got togeth­er for a bit of dou­ble reed ensem­ble fun:

Sac State Masterclass

Good luck to all those mak­ing audi­tion record­ings in the next few weeks!

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