Fingering Charts

Fingering Chart v.2

I cre­at­ed the first ver­sions of these charts in 2012, as an aid to my own teach­ing. I was tired of giv­ing stu­dents oth­er peo­ple’s fin­ger­ing charts cov­ered in my mod­i­fi­ca­tions, so I made my own with all of my stan­dard fin­ger­ings. I’ve made dif­fer­ent ver­sions to suit the needs of bas­soon­ists at dif­fer­ent levels:

Beginner Chart

This is aimed at the begin­ning bas­soon­ist. It cov­ers three octaves (Bb1—Bb4), and uses only bass clef. It does not ref­er­ence flick­ing, but shows the prop­er vent keys for each note that will lat­er be flicked.

Student Chart

This chart cov­ers the full “stan­dard” range of the Ger­man bas­soon: Bb1—E5. It uses tenor clef and shows flick­ing keys in red.

Pro Chart

This chart extends the bas­soon’s range to a full chro­mat­ic four octaves (Bb1—Bb5). These fin­ger­ings all work on my bas­soon with­out any spe­cial key­work, and with my stan­dard bocals (no pinholes).

Extreme Range Chart

If you’re only inter­est­ed in ter­ri­to­ry above E5, this is the chart for you. It starts with my “long” fin­ger­ings for Eb5 and E5, and tops out at Bb5.

The fin­ger­ing dia­grams them­selves were cre­at­ed with Bret Pimentel’s excel­lent Fin­ger­ing Dia­gram Builder, and did the rest of the lay­out in Lily­Pond. I’m mak­ing all of these charts avail­able under a Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion-Non­Com­mer­cial-Share­Alike 3.0 Unport­ed (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license. This basi­cal­ly means that you’re free to copy, redis­trib­ute, remix, trans­form, and build upon, them as long as it’s for non­com­mer­cial use, you give your work the same license, and give me credit. 

As I update these charts or add new ver­sions, I’ll post them here. Please let me know if you have any sug­ges­tions for improv­ing them.

Version History

Ver­sion 2.1 — Sep­tem­ber 13, 2014

  • Cor­rect­ed long Eb5 fingering

Ver­sion 2.0 — June 23, 2014

  • Reordered some alter­nate fin­ger­ings to put my pre­ferred fin­ger­ing first
  • Added alter­nate Eb3 fingering
  • Added A5 fingering
  • Added Extreme High Range chart

Ver­sion 1.1 — Novem­ber 16, 2012

  • Cor­rect­ed Bb3 flick/vent key

Ver­sion 1.01 — Feb­ru­ary 2, 2012

  • Cor­rect­ed an error in my C#5 fingering
  • Added bass-clef-only Begin­ner chart. 

Ver­sion 1.0 — Feb­ru­ary 1, 2012

  • First ver­sions