
Date Event/Ensemble Loca­tion
Carmel Bach Festival
Wind Divas: Stolen from the Opera Stage
Con­tin­u­ing the Har­moniemusik tra­di­tion, enjoy a night at the opera! Selec­tions from arrange­ments of Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart’s Die Zauber­flöte, Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Fide­lio, Felix Mendelssohn’s A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream, and Gioachi­no Rossini’s Il Bar­bi­ere di Siviglia
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Vir­ginia Best Adams Mas­ter­class Show­case
Four emerg­ing vocal stars from our Vir­ginia Best Adams (VBA) Mas­ter­class per­form Baroque mas­ter­pieces with mem­bers of the Fes­ti­val Orchestra.
Carmel Pres­by­ter­ian Church
Junipero & Moun­tain View, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Best of the Fest
Favorite selec­tions from the Fes­ti­val are per­formed in this clos­ing night con­cert that cel­e­brates music, Carmel, the musi­cians of the Bach Fes­ti­val, and the Festival’s loy­al patrons. The pro­gram is a sam­pler of musi­cian and audi­ence favorites from through­out the two-week Festival.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Past Per­for­mances