Past Performances

Date Event/Ensemble Loca­tion
Carmel Bach Festival
Best of the Fest
Favorite selec­tions from the Fes­ti­val are per­formed in this clos­ing night con­cert that cel­e­brates music, Carmel, the musi­cians of the Bach Fes­ti­val, and the Festival’s loy­al patrons. The pro­gram is a sam­pler of musi­cian and audi­ence favorites from through­out the two-week Festival.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Vir­ginia Best Adams Mas­ter­class Show­case
Four emerg­ing vocal stars from our Vir­ginia Best Adams (VBA) Mas­ter­class per­form Baroque mas­ter­pieces with mem­bers of the Fes­ti­val Orchestra.
Carmel Pres­by­ter­ian Church
Junipero & Moun­tain View, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Wind Divas: Stolen from the Opera Stage
Con­tin­u­ing the Har­moniemusik tra­di­tion, enjoy a night at the opera! Selec­tions from arrange­ments of Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart’s Die Zauber­flöte, Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Fide­lio, Felix Mendelssohn’s A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream, and Gioachi­no Rossini’s Il Bar­bi­ere di Siviglia
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Grieg, Maz­zoli, & Beethoven: These Worlds in Us
Mis­sy Maz­zoli’s These Worlds in Us, Edvard Grieg’s Piano Con­cer­to with soloist Eric Lu, and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Arvo Pärt’s Pas­sio: A Mod­ern Pas­sion
Pas­sio is one of the great mas­ter­pieces of sacred music of our time. Set­ting the same text that Bach used for his St John Pas­sion, Arvo Pärt’s music weaves a cap­ti­vat­ing spell, intro­spec­tive and serene. Inspired by medieval music, Pas­sio feels time­less and yet entire­ly new, invit­ing the lis­ten­er into a spir­i­tu­al space of still­ness and contemplation.
First Pres­by­ter­ian Church
501 El Dora­do Street, Mon­terey, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Beethoven Nine: Be Embraced
Anton Bruckner’s haunt­ing and tran­scen­dent motet Locus Iste opens the con­cert. John Cage’s 4’33” then presents a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for med­i­ta­tion and thought­ful­ness for the audi­ence and per­form­ers pri­or to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
The St. John: A Glob­al Pas­sion
The St. John Pas­sion was per­formed for the first time on Good Fri­day in 1724 in the Nico­laikirche in Leipzig. To mark its 300th anniver­sary, the piece opens the 2024 fes­ti­val sea­son. J.S. Bach set the work in Ger­man, the local lan­guage, but we are pre­sent­ing the St. John in sev­er­al lan­guages, includ­ing Eng­lish, Span­ish, Nor­we­gian, Hebrew, Ara­bic, and German.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Grieg, Maz­zoli, & Beethoven: These Worlds in Us
Mis­sy Maz­zoli’s These Worlds in Us, Edvard Grieg’s Piano Con­cer­to with soloist Eric Lu, and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Arvo Pärt’s Pas­sio: A Mod­ern Pas­sion
Pas­sio is one of the great mas­ter­pieces of sacred music of our time. Set­ting the same text that Bach used for his St John Pas­sion, Arvo Pärt’s music weaves a cap­ti­vat­ing spell, intro­spec­tive and serene. Inspired by medieval music, Pas­sio feels time­less and yet entire­ly new, invit­ing the lis­ten­er into a spir­i­tu­al space of still­ness and contemplation.
First Pres­by­ter­ian Church
501 El Dora­do Street, Mon­terey, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Beethoven Nine: Be Embraced
Anton Bruckner’s haunt­ing and tran­scen­dent motet Locus Iste opens the con­cert. John Cage’s 4’33” then presents a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for med­i­ta­tion and thought­ful­ness for the audi­ence and per­form­ers pri­or to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
The St. John: A Glob­al Pas­sion
The St. John Pas­sion was per­formed for the first time on Good Fri­day in 1724 in the Nico­laikirche in Leipzig. To mark its 300th anniver­sary, the piece opens the 2024 fes­ti­val sea­son. J.S. Bach set the work in Ger­man, the local lan­guage, but we are pre­sent­ing the St. John in sev­er­al lan­guages, includ­ing Eng­lish, Span­ish, Nor­we­gian, Hebrew, Ara­bic, and German.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital
A recital of music from the 18th to the 21st cen­turies, played on mod­ern, baroque, and con­tra­bas­soons, with pianist Cather­ine Gar­ner, Baroque cel­list Corinne Cassi­ni, and oboist Ali­cia Chap­man. The pro­gram includes Spring Fever by Cin­di Hsu, Sonata No. 1 by Anna Bon di Venezia, Dance Suite by Jacque­line Wil­son, Leviathan by Ruth Gipps, and Trio de Salon by Marie Clé­mence de Grandval.
Rosen Con­cert Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachi­an State Uni­ver­si­ty
813 Rivers Street, Boone, NC (map)
North Car­oli­na Baroque Orchestra
The 300th Anniver­sary of J.S. Bach’s St. John Pas­sion, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with SC Bach
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2310 Augus­ta St., Greenville, SC (map)
North Car­oli­na Baroque Orchestra
The 300th Anniver­sary of J.S. Bach’s St. John Pas­sion, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with SC Bach
Epis­co­pal Church Of The Advent
141 Advent St., Spar­tan­burg, SC (map)
Fac­ul­ty Cham­ber Concert
March Musi­cal Med­ley
Per­for­mances and pre­sen­ta­tions by stu­dents and fac­ul­ty, con­nect­ing music with sci­ence, the sea­sons, his­to­ry, and more! Among the pieces fea­tured on the con­cert is the world pre­miere of the prize-win­ning bas­soon com­po­si­tion Seas of the Moon by com­po­si­tion pro­fes­sor Dr. Roger Zare
Rosen Con­cert Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachi­an State Uni­ver­si­ty
813 Rivers Street, Boone, NC (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Awash in col­or­ful orches­tra­tion made pos­si­ble by a larg­er orches­tra of strings, winds and plucked instru­ments, this unique pro­gram reflects a long-await­ed Sin­fo­nia buck­et list of con­tral­to and sopra­no arias that range from heartrend­ing to hilar­i­ous. Enjoy music of Bach, Han­del and Rameau, fea­tur­ing the artistry of ris­ing star sopra­no Chea Kang and the extra­or­di­nary con­tral­to Sara Couden.
Epis­co­pal Church of St. Mar­tin
640 Hawthorn Lane, Davis, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Awash in col­or­ful orches­tra­tion made pos­si­ble by a larg­er orches­tra of strings, winds and plucked instru­ments, this unique pro­gram reflects a long-await­ed Sin­fo­nia buck­et list of con­tral­to and sopra­no arias that range from heartrend­ing to hilar­i­ous. Enjoy music of Bach, Han­del and Rameau, fea­tur­ing the artistry of ris­ing star sopra­no Chea Kang and the extra­or­di­nary con­tral­to Sara Couden.
Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Phil­har­monie Austin
Johannes Brahm­s’s Sym­pho­ny No. 4 and Vari­a­tions on a Theme by Joseph Haydn; Felix Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Over­ture
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Phil­har­monie Austin
Johannes Brahm­s’s Sym­pho­ny No. 4 and Vari­a­tions on a Theme by Joseph Haydn; Felix Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Over­ture
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Music at St. Alban’s
Some­thing Old, Some­thing New, Some­thing Bor­rowed… for Oboe, Piano, and Bas­soon
Music by Clé­mence de Grand­val, William Grant Still, Jacque­line Wil­son, Benedet­to Mar­cel­lo, and Fran­cis Poulenc. With oboist Dr. Ali­cia Chap­man and pianist Dr. Junie Cho
St. Alban’s Epis­co­pal Church
301 Cald­well Ln., David­son, NC (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque New Year’s Eve at the Opera
Back by pop­u­lar demand, “A Baroque New Year’s Eve at the Opera” will ush­er in the new year with­in San Francisco’s beau­ti­ful Herb­st The­atre. Start an ear­ly night on the town with a delight­ful pro­gram of arias, duets, and instru­men­tal music from Baroque opera and con­cert, with plen­ty of time left for more cel­e­bra­tions in the evening or an ear­ly return home for a peace­ful night. Bring your fam­i­ly and friends to cel­e­brate a New Year full of won­der­ful music.
Herb­st The­atre
401 Van Ness Ave., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral
Fea­tur­ing a stel­lar cast of vocal soloists, Amer­i­can Bach’s annu­al tra­di­tion of per­form­ing Handel’s Mes­si­ah in San Francisco’s his­toric Grace Cathe­dral peren­ni­al­ly pro­vides a trea­sured Decem­ber hol­i­day event to capac­i­ty audiences.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral
Fea­tur­ing a stel­lar cast of vocal soloists, Amer­i­can Bach’s annu­al tra­di­tion of per­form­ing Handel’s Mes­si­ah in San Francisco’s his­toric Grace Cathe­dral peren­ni­al­ly pro­vides a trea­sured Decem­ber hol­i­day event to capac­i­ty audiences.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas
In this spe­cial abridged evening per­for­mance, per­fect for the whole fam­i­ly, you’ll hear the Christ­mas por­tion (Part I) of Handel’s Mes­si­ah along with music of the sea­son by Baroque com­pos­er Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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The Blaz­ing Bassoons
Appalachi­an State’s bas­soon ensem­ble, The Blaz­ing Bas­soons, presents a night of music for 2 to 12 bas­soons! The pro­gram ranges from sub­lime Baroque grandeur to ridicu­lous mod­ern the­atrics, with oper­at­ic vir­tu­os­i­ty, Span­ish brava­do, and plen­ty of oth­er good bas­soony fun in between. Com­posers include: Clau­dio Mon­tever­di, John Stein­metz, Sergei Prokofiev, Gioacchi­no Rossi­ni, Manuel Penel­la, Paul Dukas, and more.
Rosen Con­cert Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachi­an State Uni­ver­si­ty
813 Rivers Street, Boone, NC (map)
West­ern Pied­mont Symphony
Mag­i­cal Spook­tac­u­lar
Dis­cov­er the adven­ture of live sym­phon­ic music and explore the mag­ic of Hal­loween and music. Be sure to wear your favorite costume!
P.E. Mon­roe Audi­to­ri­um
775 6th St. NE, Hick­o­ry, NC (map)
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Greenville Sym­pho­ny Orchestra
Music for Our Moment
Car­o­line Shaw’s Entr’acte, Evan Meier & Christylez Bacon’s Migra­tions in Rhythm: A Con­cer­to for Beat­box and Rhyme, and Dmit­ry Shostakovich’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Peace Cen­ter
300 S. Main St., Greenville, SC (map)
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Greenville Sym­pho­ny Orchestra
Music for Our Moment
Car­o­line Shaw’s Entr’acte, Evan Meier & Christylez Bacon’s Migra­tions in Rhythm: A Con­cer­to for Beat­box and Rhyme, and Dmit­ry Shostakovich’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Peace Cen­ter
300 S. Main St., Greenville, SC (map)
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Nation­al His­pan­ic Her­itage Month Concert
Noelia Escal­zo’s Argen­ta for bas­soon and piano

Hayes School of Music fac­ul­ty present the first of two con­certs cel­e­brat­ing Nation­al His­pan­ic Her­itage Month with music by com­posers of Span­ish and Latin Amer­i­can her­itage. Fac­ul­ty from the Eng­lish Depart­ment will also recite poet­ry from artists rep­re­sent­ing Chi­cano, Apache, Puer­to Rican, and Mex­i­can Amer­i­can peoples.
Rosen Con­cert Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachi­an State Uni­ver­si­ty
813 Rivers Street, Boone, NC (map)
Fac­ul­ty Cham­ber Concert
Gioacchi­no Rossini’s Sonata a Quat­tro, No. 6 with Dr. Nan­cy Schnee­loch-Bing­ham, flute; Dr. Soo Goh, clar­inet; and Dr. Dako­ta Cor­b­liss, horn
Rosen Con­cert Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachi­an State Uni­ver­si­ty
813 Rivers Street, Boone, NC (map)
Carmel Bach Festival
Best of the Fest!
Favorite selec­tions from the Fes­ti­val are per­formed in this clos­ing night con­cert that cel­e­brates music, Carmel, the musi­cians of the Bach Fes­ti­val, and the Festival’s loy­al patrons. The pro­gram is a sam­pler of musi­cian and audi­ence favorites from through­out the two-week Festival.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Har­moniemusik: Gran Partita
W.A. Mozart’s Ser­e­nade for Winds and Con­tra­bass in B‑flat major, K. 361, “Gran Par­ti­ta”
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Mozart, Rehn­qvist, Mahler: Break­ing the Ice
W.A. Mozart’s Over­ture from The Mar­riage of Figaro, Karin Rehn­qvist’s “Break­ing the Ice” from ARKTIS ARKTIS!, and both Gus­tav Mahler’s “Blu­mine” and his Sym­pho­ny No. 4 in G Major
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Bach Can­tatas
Two can­tatas by J.S. Bach: “Meine Seel erhebt den Her­ren,” BWV 10 and “Schwingt freudig euch empor,” BWV 36b
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Father and Son
A pro­gram inspired by C.P.E. Bach’s 1786 con­cert in Ham­burg hon­or­ing J.S. Bach: C.P.E. Bach’s Mag­ni­fi­cat, G.F. Han­del’s “I know that my Redeemer liveth” from Mes­si­ah, the intro­duc­tion to C.P.E. Bach’s Cre­do, and the “Cre­do” from J.S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
The Cre­ation
A reimag­ined, immer­sive inter­pre­ta­tion of Joseph Haydn’s self-pro­claimed mas­ter­work, The Cre­ation
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Har­moniemusik: Gran Partita
W.A. Mozart’s Ser­e­nade for Winds and Con­tra­bass in B‑flat major, K. 361, “Gran Par­ti­ta”
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Mozart, Rehn­qvist, Mahler: Break­ing the Ice
W.A. Mozart’s Over­ture from The Mar­riage of Figaro, Karin Rehn­qvist’s “Break­ing the Ice” from ARKTIS ARKTIS!, and both Gus­tav Mahler’s “Blu­mine” and his Sym­pho­ny No. 4 in G Major
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Bach Can­tatas
Two can­tatas by J.S. Bach: “Meine Seel erhebt den Her­ren,” BWV 10 and “Schwingt freudig euch empor,” BWV 36b
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Father and Son
A pro­gram inspired by C.P.E. Bach’s 1786 con­cert in Ham­burg hon­or­ing J.S. Bach: C.P.E. Bach’s Mag­ni­fi­cat, G.F. Han­del’s “I know that my Redeemer liveth” from Mes­si­ah, the intro­duc­tion to C.P.E. Bach’s Cre­do, and the “Cre­do” from J.S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
The Cre­ation
A reimag­ined, immer­sive inter­pre­ta­tion of Joseph Haydn’s self-pro­claimed mas­ter­work, The Cre­ation
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Valle­jo Symphony
Trey Mak­ler’s “you echo in me” (World Pre­miere), Felix Mendelssohn’s Vio­lin Con­cer­to, and Duke Elling­ton’s Suite from The Riv­er
Empress The­ater
330 Vir­ginia St., Valle­jo, CA (map)
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Valle­jo Symphony
Trey Mak­ler’s “you echo in me” (World Pre­miere), Felix Mendelssohn’s Vio­lin Con­cer­to, and Duke Elling­ton’s Suite from The Riv­er
Empress The­ater
330 Vir­ginia St., Valle­jo, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Carl Orf­f’s Carmi­na Burana
SAFE Cred­it Union Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter
1301 L St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Valle­jo Choral Society
J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Pas­sion, con­duct­ed by Derek Tam
Empress The­ater
330 Vir­ginia St., Valle­jo, CA (map)
Valle­jo Choral Society
J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Pas­sion, con­duct­ed by Derek Tam
St. Dominic’s Church
475 E 1 St., Beni­cia, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to State Fac­ul­ty Wood­wind Quintet
The Sacra­men­to State Fac­ul­ty Wind Quin­tet presents a pro­gram of works by women com­posers from the 20th and 21st cen­turies. Amy Beach’s Fire­flies opens the con­cert with a musi­cal depic­tion of the entranc­ing insects. Elsa Barraine’s Ouvrage de Dame presents short sketch­es of var­i­ous women—some real, oth­ers imag­ined. In Seen, Nathalie Joachim show­cas­es a dif­fer­ent mem­ber of the quin­tet in each rich­ly-tex­tured move­ment. The con­cert clos­es with a piece by Sacra­men­to State’s own Dr. Shuy­ing Li, Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor of Music The­o­ry and Com­po­si­tion. Li’s Back of the Bus hon­ors Rosa Parks and her part in the civ­il rights struggle.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Unsi­lenced Voic­es: Resilience and Hope—Experience this heart­felt and pow­er­ful emo­tion­al jour­ney, fea­tur­ing pieces writ­ten by impris­oned and banned composers.
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to State Fac­ul­ty Wood­wind Quintet
Works by Else Bar­raine, Amy Beach, Nathalie Joachim, and Shuy­ing Li.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Unsi­lenced Voic­es: Resilience and Hope—Experience this heart­felt and pow­er­ful emo­tion­al jour­ney, fea­tur­ing pieces writ­ten by impris­oned and banned composers.
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Cho­ra Nova
U.S. Pre­miere of the cham­ber orches­tra ver­sion of Gus­tav Hol­st’s The Cloud Mes­sen­ger, an ode on text by the fifth-cen­tu­ry San­skrit poet Kālidāsa.
First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church
2345 Chan­ning Way, Berke­ley, CA (map)
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Fres­no Philharmonic
Pink Mar­ti­ni in a spe­cial con­cert with Music Direc­tor Rei Hoto­da and the Fres­no Philharmonic
William Saroy­an The­ater
730 M St., Fres­no, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Join Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa for “An After­noon in Italy” as we live up to our name in a sparkling, high-ener­gy pro­gram cel­e­brat­ing Ital­ian baroque music, includ­ing works by Gem­ini­ani, Corel­li, Avi­son, Vival­di, Caldera, and Brescianello.
Epis­co­pal Church of St. Mar­tin
640 Hawthorn Lane, Davis, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Join Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa for “An After­noon in Italy” as we live up to our name in a sparkling, high-ener­gy pro­gram cel­e­brat­ing Ital­ian baroque music, includ­ing works by Gem­ini­ani, Corel­li, Avi­son, Vival­di, Caldera, and Brescianello.
Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
The Con­cer­to Resplen­dent: baroque con­cer­ti for vio­lin, cel­lo, flute, and bassoon
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
The Con­cer­to Resplen­dent: baroque con­cer­ti for vio­lin, cel­lo, flute, and bassoon
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
The Con­cer­to Resplen­dent: baroque con­cer­ti for vio­lin, cel­lo, flute, and bassoon
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Back­yard Baroque
Back­yard Baroque leads a musi­cal road trip through Europe of the 17th and 18th cen­turies as part of the Hag­gin’s 1st & 3rd Thurs­days series
Hag­gin Art Muse­um
1201 N Per­sh­ing Ave, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Symposium
Per­form­ing a French Baroque suite of duos by Cor­rette, Bois­morti­er, and Rameau with Anna Marsh
Crow­der Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona
1017 N Olive Rd, Tuc­son, AZ (map)
Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Back by pop­u­lar demand, “A Baroque New Year’s Eve at the Opera” will ush­er in the new year with­in San Francisco’s beau­ti­ful Herb­st The­atre. Start an ear­ly night on the town with a delight­ful pro­gram of arias, duets, and instru­men­tal music from Baroque operas
Herb­st The­atre
401 Van Ness Ave., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas: In this spe­cial per­for­mance, you’ll hear the Christ­mas por­tion (Part I) of Handel’s Mes­si­ah along with music of the sea­son by Gio­van­ni Valen­ti­ni, Johann Christoph Pez, and Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Green Music Cen­ter
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohn­ert Park, CA (map)
Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas: In this spe­cial per­for­mance, you’ll hear the Christ­mas por­tion (Part I) of Handel’s Mes­si­ah along with music of the sea­son by Gio­van­ni Valen­ti­ni, Johann Christoph Pez, and Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Mon­davi Cen­ter
1 Shields Ave., Davis, CA (map)
Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral: The fine­ly tuned voic­es of the Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the pol­ished sheen of sonori­ties brought by ABS’s peri­od-instru­ment orches­tra soar with­in the majes­tic inte­ri­or of San Francisco’s Nob Hill landmark.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral: The fine­ly tuned voic­es of the Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the pol­ished sheen of sonori­ties brought by ABS’s peri­od-instru­ment orches­tra soar with­in the majes­tic inte­ri­or of San Francisco’s Nob Hill landmark.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas in Grace Cathe­dral: In this spe­cial abridged evening per­for­mance, you’ll hear the Christ­mas por­tion (Part I) of Handel’s Mes­si­ah along with music of the sea­son by Gio­van­ni Valen­ti­ni, Johann Christoph Pez, and Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days 2022
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Voice of the Cel­lo: Baroque solo and trio sonatas for cel­lo, bas­soon, and violone
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Voice of the Cel­lo: Baroque solo and trio sonatas for cel­lo, bas­soon, and violone
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Musi­ca Redemp­tor Orchestra
Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58 and Sym­pho­ny No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, on peri­od instru­ments, with fortepi­anist Anton Nel
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Phil­har­monie Austin
Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58 and Sym­pho­ny No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, on peri­od instru­ments, with fortepi­anist Anton Nel
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
This pro­gram fea­tures works that range from 1629 to 1747, and will spot­light each per­former in their dis­tinc­tive role. Mez­zo-sopra­no Julie Miller joins us in stormy, pas­sion­ate and inti­mate arias by Han­del and Rameau that speak of love lost and won. Sonata dec­i­ma, by ear­ly Ital­ian com­pos­er Dario Castel­lo, engages 2 vio­lins and bas­soon in dra­mat­ic, fiery dia­log, sup­port­ed by a con­tin­uo team of the­o­r­bo and gui­tar. Toma­so Albinoni’s Sonata à cinque, com­posed in a lat­er Ital­ian style, is full of rich string writ­ing and melod­ic charm. Artis­tic Direc­tor Lor­na Peters will per­form Jean-Bap­tiste-Antoine Forqueray’s “La Rameau” for solo harp­si­chord, fol­lowed by Rameau’s return trib­ute, “La For­querey,” for strings, flute and bas­soon. And since no Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa con­cert is com­plete with­out French opera-bal­let music, the pro­gram will con­clude with exot­ic and col­or­ful instru­men­tal pieces from Rameau’s Les Indes Galantes.
Saint Mary Mag­dalen
2005 Berry­man St., Berke­ley, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
This pro­gram fea­tures works that range from 1629 to 1747, and will spot­light each per­former in their dis­tinc­tive role. Mez­zo-sopra­no Julie Miller joins us in stormy, pas­sion­ate and inti­mate arias by Han­del and Rameau that speak of love lost and won. Sonata dec­i­ma, by ear­ly Ital­ian com­pos­er Dario Castel­lo, engages 2 vio­lins and bas­soon in dra­mat­ic, fiery dia­log, sup­port­ed by a con­tin­uo team of the­o­r­bo and gui­tar. Toma­so Albinoni’s Sonata à cinque, com­posed in a lat­er Ital­ian style, is full of rich string writ­ing and melod­ic charm. Artis­tic Direc­tor Lor­na Peters will per­form Jean-Bap­tiste-Antoine Forqueray’s “La Rameau” for solo harp­si­chord, fol­lowed by Rameau’s return trib­ute, “La For­querey,” for strings, flute and bas­soon. And since no Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa con­cert is com­plete with­out French opera-bal­let music, the pro­gram will con­clude with exot­ic and col­or­ful instru­men­tal pieces from Rameau’s Les Indes Galantes.
Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to State Fac­ul­ty Wood­wind Quintet
The Fac­ul­ty Wood­wind Quin­tet per­forms, with Dr. Cathie Apple, flute; Dr. Cindy Behmer, oboe; San­dra McPher­son, clar­inet; Jen­nie Blom­ster, horn; and Dr. David A. Wells, bas­soon. The Quin­tet will present a pro­gram that high­lights the change of sea­sons with two Amer­i­can works: Samuel Barber’s clas­sic 1956 Sum­mer Music, and Jen­nifer Higdon’s 1995 response, Autumn Music. Two French works book­end the con­cert, with Eugène Bozza’s snap­py Scher­zo (1944) serv­ing as the open­er. Louise Ferrenc’s mon­u­men­tal Sex­tett (1852) fea­tures guest pianist Dr. John Coz­za on a vir­tu­osic part that the com­pos­er like­ly per­formed herself.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Cham­ber Music Soci­ety of Sacramento
Joseph Hayd­n’s Sym­pho­ny No.6 “Le Matin”, W.A. Mozart’s Con­cer­to for Flute in G Major, and W.A. Mozart’s Sin­fo­nia Con­cer­tante for Vio­la & Violin
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Cham­ber Music Soci­ety of Sacramento
Joseph Hayd­n’s Sym­pho­ny No.6 “Le Matin”, W.A. Mozart’s Con­cer­to for Flute in G Major, and W.A. Mozart’s Sin­fo­nia Con­cer­tante for Vio­la & Violin
Davis High School
Davis, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Cheer the Sym­pho­ny on in favorites rang­ing from “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” “The Theme from Shaft,” and “We Will Rock You” to Super­man and hits from Star Wars!
Ban­ner Island Ball­park
404 W Fre­mont St., Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
From Street Cor­ner to Con­cert Hall: A con­cert of wind octets, fol­lowed by a pan­el dis­cus­sion. The per­for­mance includes excerpts of Charles Goun­od’s Petite Sym­phonie and Sergei Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juli­et Suite, as well as the entire­ty of W.A. Mozart’s Ser­e­nade for Winds in C minor, K. 388.
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Light of My Life: Grete Ped­er­sen con­ducts a mix­ture of can­tatas by J.S. Bach and Nor­we­gian folk songs. With Clara Rottsolk, sopra­no; Meg Bra­gle, mez­zo-sopra­no; Thomas Coo­ley, tenor; and Dashon Bur­ton, bass-baritone.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
From Street Cor­ner to Con­cert Hall: A con­cert of wind octets, fol­lowed by a pan­el dis­cus­sion. The per­for­mance includes excerpts of Charles Goun­od’s Petite Sym­phonie and Sergei Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juli­et Suite, as well as the entire­ty of W.A. Mozart’s Ser­e­nade for Winds in C minor, K. 388.
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Beethoven Sev­en: Grete Ped­er­sen con­ducts Charles Ives’s The Unan­swered Ques­tion, Luciano Beri­o’s Ren­der­ing (Based on sketch­es for Sym­pho­ny No. 10 by Franz Schu­bert), and Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 7
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
A Human Requiem: Johannes Brahm­s’s Ein Deutsches Requiem with Clara Rottsolk, sopra­no; Dashon Bur­ton, bass-bari­tone; con­duct­ed by Dinis Sousa
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Fam­i­ly Con­cert: The Adven­tures of Leonard & Ras­mus returns with a fun and enter­tain­ing show that will delight audi­ences of all ages. Aun­tie Lulu takes Leonard & Ras­mus on a road trip across Amer­i­ca to explore and cel­e­brate the many gen­res of music found across our land includ­ing clas­si­cal, jazz, Dix­ieland, folk, R & B, and many more. Some of the com­posers to be fea­tured include Flo­rence Price, Aaron Cop­land, Scott Joplin, Gabriela Lena Frank, Ruth Craw­ford Seeger, George Walk­er, Woody Guthrie, and Bob­by Troup.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Aston Magna Music Festival
The Devil’s in the Tales: Human­ità e Lucif­ero (Alessan­dro Scar­lat­ti) and A Soldier’s Tale (Igor Stravinsky)—on Baroque and ear­ly-20th-Cen­tu­ry peri­od instru­ments, respectively
Mahai­we Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter
14 Cas­tle Street, Great Bar­ring­ton, MA (map)
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Aston Magna Music Festival
The Devil’s in the Tales: Human­ità e Lucif­ero (Alessan­dro Scar­lat­ti) and A Soldier’s Tale (Igor Stravinsky)—on Baroque and ear­ly-20th-Cen­tu­ry peri­od instru­ments, respectively
Hud­son Hall
327 War­ren St., Hud­son, NY (map)
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Aston Magna Music Festival
The Devil’s in the Tales: Human­ità e Lucif­ero (Alessan­dro Scar­lat­ti) and A Soldier’s Tale (Igor Stravinsky)—on Baroque and ear­ly-20th-Cen­tu­ry peri­od instru­ments, respectively
Slos­berg Recital Hall, Bran­deis Uni­ver­si­ty
415 South Street, Waltham, MA (map)
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Live Oak Baroque Orchestra
Mozart’s two great unfin­ished works of sacred music: The C Minor Mass (called the ‘Great Mass’) and the ‘Requiem in D Minor.’ Per­formed on peri­od instru­ments, with Danielle Reut­ter-Har­rah, sopra­no; Hei­di Water­man, alto; Daniel Hutch­ings, tenor; Paul Mur­ray, bass; and the Sono­ma Bach Choir.
Green Music Cen­ter
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohn­ert Park, CA (map)
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Live Oak Baroque Orchestra
Mozart’s two great unfin­ished works of sacred music: The C Minor Mass (called the ‘Great Mass’) and the ‘Requiem in D Minor.’ Per­formed on peri­od instru­ments, with Danielle Reut­ter-Har­rah, sopra­no; Hei­di Water­man, alto; Daniel Hutch­ings, tenor; Paul Mur­ray, bass; and the Sono­ma Bach Choir.
Green Music Cen­ter
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohn­ert Park, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Verdi’s Requiem
SAFE Cred­it Union Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter
1301 L St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
François Couper­in’s La Sul­tane, Georg Philipp Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Over­ture-Suite in D Major, and a suite of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s instru­men­tal music from Les Boréades, Cas­tor et Pol­lux, and Hip­poly­te et Aricie.
Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
François Couper­in’s La Sul­tane, Georg Philipp Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Over­ture-Suite in D Major, and a suite of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s instru­men­tal music from Les Boréades, Cas­tor et Pol­lux, and Hip­poly­te et Aricie.
Music in the Moun­tains, Peace Luther­an Church
828 W. Main St., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
François Couper­in’s La Sul­tane, Georg Philipp Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Over­ture-Suite in D Major, and a suite of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s instru­men­tal music from Les Boréades, Cas­tor et Pol­lux, and Hip­poly­te et Aricie.
Ann E. Pitzer Cen­ter, UC Davis
Hutchi­son Dr. & Cush­ing Way, Davis, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Fac­ul­ty bas­soon­ist David A. Wells per­forms a recital of most­ly new and recent works for bas­soon, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with pianist John Coz­za, flutist Cathie Apple, and oboist Cindy Behmer. Ulysses Kay’s Sonata (1941) for bas­soon and piano is a delight­ful ear­ly work by one of the lead­ing African-Amer­i­can com­posers of the 20th cen­tu­ry. In her unac­com­pa­nied Dance Suite (2021), Jacque­line Wil­son (Yaka­ma) evokes six dance styles of con­tem­po­rary Native Amer­i­can pow­wows. Adri­enne Albert’s Ser­e­nade for bas­soon alone was one of a num­ber of solo pieces to come out of the iso­la­tion of the ear­ly days of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. In his lul­la­by | bal­lad | spir­i­tu­al (2021), Shawn E. Okpeb­ho­lo reimag­ines three south­ern folk songs in set­tings for flute, oboe, and bas­soon. And final­ly, Noelia Escal­zo’s Argen­ta for bas­soon and piano draws on musi­cal styles of the composer’s native Argenti­na.

This con­cert will be livestreamed at
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Marin Baroque
George Philipp Tele­man­n’s Suite Don Quixote, TWV55 and Georg Frid­er­ic Han­del’s ora­to­rio Apol­lo & Daphne, HWV 122
First Pres­by­ter­ian San Ansel­mo
72 Kens­ing­ton Road, San Ansel­mo, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
The Amer­i­can Bach Soloists return to Weill Hall to per­form the peren­ni­al hol­i­day classic–Handel’s Mes­si­ah.
Green Music Cen­ter
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohn­ert Park, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral: The fine­ly tuned voic­es of the Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the pol­ished sheen of sonori­ties brought by ABS’s peri­od-instru­ment orches­tra soar with­in the majes­tic inte­ri­or of San Francisco’s Nob Hill landmark.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah in Grace Cathe­dral: The fine­ly tuned voic­es of the Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the pol­ished sheen of sonori­ties brought by ABS’s peri­od-instru­ment orches­tra soar with­in the majes­tic inte­ri­or of San Francisco’s Nob Hill landmark.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas in Grace Cathe­dral: In this spe­cial abridged evening per­for­mance, you’ll hear the Christ­mas por­tion (Part I) of Handel’s Mes­si­ah along with music of the sea­son by Arcan­ge­lo Corel­li and Marc-Antoine Char­p­en­tier, and a rous­ing finale includ­ing Handel’s Hal­lelu­jah Chorus.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Aaron Cop­land’s Fan­fare for the Com­mon Man, Camille Saint-Saën­s’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 2, and Flo­rence Price’s Sym­pho­ny No. 1
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Aaron Cop­land’s Fan­fare for the Com­mon Man, Camille Saint-Saën­s’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 2, and Flo­rence Price’s Sym­pho­ny No. 1
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Gioachi­no Rossini’s Over­ture to Il Sign­or Bruschi­no, Richard Wag­n­er’s Siegfried Idyll, and Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Deb­o­rah Shi­dler Memo­r­i­al Concert
A memo­r­i­al con­cert in hon­or of Sacra­men­to State’s late oboe pro­fes­sor, Deb Shidler.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to State Fac­ul­ty Wood­wind Quintet
Valerie Cole­man’s Umo­ja, Astor Piaz­zol­la’s Obliv­ion (arr. Jeff Scott), Dar­ius Mil­haud’s La Chem­inée de Roi René, Amy Beach’s Pas­torale, and Anton Reicha’s Quin­tet in E‑flat Major, Op. 88 No. 2
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
J.S. Bach’s Mass in B‑Minor on peri­od instruments
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Gioachi­no Rossini’s Over­ture to Il Sign­or Bruschi­no, Richard Wag­n­er’s Siegfried Idyll, and Lud­wig van Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
J.S. Bach’s Mass in B‑Minor on peri­od instruments
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Antonín Reichenauer’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in G Minor

The pro­gram also includes works by Leono­ra Duarte, Georg Philipp Tele­mann, Arcan­ge­lo Corel­li, and Anto­nio Vivaldi
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Antonín Reichenauer’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in G Minor

The pro­gram also includes works by Leono­ra Duarte, Georg Philipp Tele­mann, Arcan­ge­lo Corel­li, and Anto­nio Vivaldi
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Antonín Reichenauer’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in G Minor

The pro­gram also includes works by Leono­ra Duarte, Georg Philipp Tele­mann, Arcan­ge­lo Corel­li, and Anto­nio Vivaldi
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Symposium
World Pre­miere of John Stein­metz’s Lament (Cha­conne). Watch per­for­mance here
2021 Vir­tu­al Bas­soon Sym­po­sium
N/A, (map)
San­ta Cruz Baroque Festival
Span­ish Roots—Mexican Flowerings
Peace Unit­ed Church
900 High St., San­ta Cruz, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Works by Eugène Boz­za, Louis Spohr, François Devi­enne, and Peter Hope. With guest pianist John Coz­za and oboist Deb­o­rah Shidler.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
Works by Eugène Boz­za, Louis Spohr, François Devi­enne, and Peter Hope. With guest pianist John Coz­za and oboist Deb­o­rah Shidler.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Cham­ber Music in the Chapel
First Bap­tist Lodi’s Cham­ber Music series con­tin­ues with a recital by bas­soon­ist David A. Wells and pianist Dane Burg. In the space of about an hour, the two will per­form works rang­ing from refined Parisian salon music to Brazil­ian waltzes to vari­a­tions on an old cow­boy tune. Admis­sion to the con­cert is free, with an offer­ing taken.
First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
267 N. Mills Ave., Lodi, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa makes its East Bay debut on the long-run­ning Music­Sources series. The pro­gram will fea­ture con­cer­ti, suites and cham­ber works of Tele­mann, Pur­cell, Avi­son, Rameau, and others.
Saint Mary Mag­dalen
2005 Berry­man St., Berke­ley, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
Cop­land’s Rodeo, Gersh­win’s Sec­ond Rhap­sody, Zhou Tian’s Tran­scend (Com­mis­sioned for the 150th Anniver­sary of the Transcon­ti­nen­tal Rail­road), and Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Over­ture, with con­duc­tor Christo­pher Roun­tree and pianist Ori­on Weiss.
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form a selec­tion of rich, dark, and sonorous Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas. Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists Michael Law­son and John Lut­ter­man are joined by our bas­soon­ist David Wells to per­form a selec­tion of Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas, accom­pa­nied by a con­tin­uo sec­tion of harp­si­chord, organ, and guitar.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form a selec­tion of rich, dark, and sonorous Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas. Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists Michael Law­son and John Lut­ter­man are joined by our bas­soon­ist David Wells to per­form a selec­tion of Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas, accom­pa­nied by a con­tin­uo sec­tion of harp­si­chord, organ, and guitar.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form a selec­tion of rich, dark, and sonorous Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas. Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists Michael Law­son and John Lut­ter­man are joined by our bas­soon­ist David Wells to per­form a selec­tion of Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas, accom­pa­nied by a con­tin­uo sec­tion of harp­si­chord, organ, and guitar.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form a selec­tion of rich, dark, and sonorous Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas. Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists Michael Law­son and John Lut­ter­man are joined by our bas­soon­ist David Wells to per­form a selec­tion of Baroque Cel­lo Sonatas, accom­pa­nied by a con­tin­uo sec­tion of harp­si­chord, organ, and guitar.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Zion Cham­ber Orchestra
Han­del’s Music for The Roy­al Fire­works, Rach­mani­nof­f’s Vocalise and Piano Con­cer­to #2
Zion Luther­an Church
808 W. Porter Ave., Stock­ton, CA (map)
Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Come expe­ri­ence one of the season’s most loved works, Georg Fred­er­ick Handel’s “Mes­si­ah.” Focus­ing on the Christ­mas por­tion of the “Mes­si­ah”, this con­cert will also include J.S. Bach’s Can­ta­ta 147 fea­tur­ing the well-loved choral, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desir­ing.” Join the Capel­la Anti­qua Choir, Baroque Orches­tra and the Cathe­dral Choir in the beau­ti­ful set­ting of the Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment for a con­cert that will soon become your favorite hol­i­day tradition.
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Musi­ca Redemp­tor Orchestra
Felix Mendelssohn’s ora­to­rio Eli­jah on 19th-cen­tu­ry peri­od instruments.
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Phil­har­monie Austin
Felix Mendelssohn’s ora­to­rio Eli­jah on 19th-cen­tu­ry peri­od instruments.
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Musi­ca Redemp­tor Orchestra
Felix Mendelssohn’s ora­to­rio Eli­jah on 19th-cen­tu­ry peri­od instruments.
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Phil­har­monie Austin
Felix Mendelssohn’s ora­to­rio Eli­jah on 19th-cen­tu­ry peri­od instruments.
Redeemer Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2111 Alexan­der Ave., Austin, TX (map)
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Cho­ra Nova
A Han­del Cel­e­bra­tion: Det­tin­gen Te Deum and Det­tin­gen Anthem
First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church
2345 Chan­ning Way, Berke­ley, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
HCFG brings its inven­tive arrange­ments of Gyp­sy swing reper­toire, jazz stan­dards, and orig­i­nal tunes to Con­gre­ga­tion Beth Shalom’s long-run­ning Sun­day After­noons series.
Sea­son Fly­er (PDF)
Con­gre­ga­tion Beth Shalom
1705 Sher­wood Ave., Modesto, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Cham­ber Concert
Jacques Ibert’s Trois Pièces Brève
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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InCon­cert Sierra
Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juli­et Fan­ta­sy Over­ture, Debussy’s Petite Suite, Brahm­s’s Vari­a­tions for Orches­tra on a Theme of Joseph Haydn, and Sibelius’s Fin­lan­dia
Grass Val­ley Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist Church
12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
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Kei­th Bohm, sax­o­phone – Fac­ul­ty Recital
Marc Mel­lit­s’s Splin­ter for reed quintet
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Carmel Bach Festival
Christ­mas at the Mis­sion
J.S. Bach, Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part III and VI, BWV 248
Arvo Pärt, Sev­en Mag­ni­fi­cat Antiphons
Carmel Mis­sion Basil­i­ca
3080 Rio Rd, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Saints and Sin­ners
High­lights from Han­del’s Acis et Galatea, Stravin­sky’s The Rake’s Progress, Mozart’s The Mar­riage of Figaro, and Bizet’s Car­men.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Christ­mas at All Saints
J.S. Bach, The Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part IV and V, BWV 248
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Bach and Shake­speare
J.S. Bach, The Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part I and II, BWV 248
Felix Mendelssohn, A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream, Inci­den­tal Music, Op. 61
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
In the Begin­ning
Haydn’s mas­ter­piece, The Cre­ation, majes­ti­cal­ly opens the 82nd Carmel Bach Fes­ti­val. The per­for­mances fea­ture the Festival’s entire com­pa­ny of musi­cians and will be sung in a Haydn-approved Eng­lish translation.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Christ­mas at the Mis­sion
J.S. Bach, Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part III and VI, BWV 248
Arvo Pärt, Sev­en Mag­ni­fi­cat Antiphons
Carmel Mis­sion Basil­i­ca
3080 Rio Rd, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Saints and Sin­ners
High­lights from Han­del’s Acis et Galatea, Stravin­sky’s The Rake’s Progress, Mozart’s The Mar­riage of Figaro, and Bizet’s Car­men.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Christ­mas at All Saints
J.S. Bach, The Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part IV and V, BWV 248
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
Dolores & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
Bach and Shake­speare
J.S. Bach, The Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, Part I and II, BWV 248
Felix Mendelssohn, A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream, Inci­den­tal Music, Op. 61
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Carmel Bach Festival
In the Begin­ning
Haydn’s mas­ter­piece, The Cre­ation, majes­ti­cal­ly opens the 82nd Carmel Bach Fes­ti­val. The per­for­mances fea­ture the Festival’s entire com­pa­ny of musi­cians and will be sung in a Haydn-approved Eng­lish translation.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Join HCFG for a night of hot swing in the gal­leries of the Hag­gin Muse­um, with com­pli­men­ta­ry wine from Weibel Fam­i­ly Vine­yards & Win­ery and snacks. Refresh­ments are served begin­ning at 6:30 and the music starts at 7.
Hag­gin Art Muse­um
1201 N Per­sh­ing Ave, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
The West Coast Pre­miere of Dan For­rest’s Lux: The Dawn from on High, paired with Felix Mendelssohn’s Die Erste Walpurgisnacht
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Cel­e­brate Stockton’s Sis­ter Cities from around the world! The pro­gram tra­vers­es the globe with col­or­ful works from Chi­na, Mex­i­co, Italy, Cam­bo­dia, Nige­ria, Japan, and the Philippines—interspersed with some local Stock­ton gems. Huge com­bined choral forces will join the Stock­ton Sym­pho­ny for the grand finale with per­for­mances by Stock­ton Chorale, San Joaquin Delta Col­lege and the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic Choirs.
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Pacif­ic Baroque Orchestra
Handel’s mon­u­men­tal Coro­na­tion Anthems, com­posed in 1727 for the coro­na­tion of King George II and Queen Car­o­line of Eng­land, bring an excit­ing, regal note to end the Pacif­ic Baroque Orchestra’s sea­son with a per­for­mance at the Chan Cen­tre. The pro­gramme will be com­ple­ment­ed by Handel’s fes­tive Ode for the Birth­day of Queen Anne (upon which she grant­ed Han­del a “pen­sion” of two hun­dred pounds a year for life).
Chan Cen­tre for the Per­form­ing Arts
6265 Cres­cent Rd., Van­cou­ver, BC (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa per­forms as part of the 2019 Sacra­men­to State Fes­ti­val of the Arts, with a pro­gram that includes selec­tions from Charles Avi­son’s Con­cer­ti Grossi after Scar­lat­ti; Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Flute Con­cer­to in D major, TWV 51:D2 (Cathie Apple, tra­ver­so); Pur­cel­l’s “What Pow­er Art Thou” from King Arthur (Daniel Yoder, bass) and instru­men­tal selec­tions from Tim­on of Athens and The Gor­dian Knot; Mar­co Uccellini’s Sonata Op. 7, No. 3 (Lind­sey Strand-Polyak, vio­lin); and Rameau’s “Mon­stre affreux” from Dar­d­anus (Daniel Yoder, bass) and dances from Les Indes Galante and Pla­tee.
CLARA — E. Clare Raley Stu­dios for the Per­form­ing Arts
2420 N. Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa per­forms as part of the 2019 Sacra­men­to State Fes­ti­val of the Arts, with a pro­gram that includes selec­tions from Charles Avi­son’s Con­cer­ti Grossi after Scar­lat­ti; Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Flute Con­cer­to in D major, TWV 51:D2 (Cathie Apple, tra­ver­so); Pur­cel­l’s “What Pow­er Art Thou” from King Arthur (Daniel Yoder, bass) and instru­men­tal selec­tions from Tim­on of Athens and The Gor­dian Knot; Mar­co Uccellini’s Sonata Op. 7, No. 3 (Lind­sey Strand-Polyak, vio­lin); and Rameau’s “Mon­stre affreux” from Dar­d­anus (Daniel Yoder, bass) and dances from Les Indes Galante and Pla­tee.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Songs of Joy: J.S. Bach’s can­tatas 10 (Meine Seel erhebt den Her­ren) and 147 (Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben), along with Corel­li’s Con­cer­ti Grosso, Op 6. no. 1.
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Vivaldi’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in a minor, RV 499, along with oth­er Vival­di con­cer­ti for flute, vio­lin, harp­si­chord, and cello.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Vivaldi’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in a minor, RV 499, along with oth­er Vival­di con­cer­ti for flute, vio­lin, harp­si­chord, and cello.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Vivaldi’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in a minor, RV 499, along with oth­er Vival­di con­cer­ti for flute, vio­lin, harp­si­chord, and cello.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Vivaldi’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in a minor, RV 499, along with oth­er Vival­di con­cer­ti for flute, vio­lin, harp­si­chord, and cello.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Chico Bach Fes­ti­val: The Spir­it of Impro­vi­sa­tion
J.S. Bach’s “Ich will Lei­den” from BWV 87 and “Kommt, eilet” from BWV 74 (Derek Chester, tenor); C.P.E. Bach’s Duo for Flute and Vio­lin, H. 598 (Cathie Apple, tra­ver­so and Lind­sey Strand-Polyak, vio­lin) and Trio Sonata in F Major for vio­la, bas­soon, and con­tin­uo, Wq 163 (Vijay Cha­lasani, vio­la and David A. Wells, bas­soon); and Tele­man­n’s Con­cer­to for Flute in D Major, TWV 51:D2 (Cathie Apple, tra­ver­so) and Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa.
Zingg Recital Hall
400 W. 1st St., Chico, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Fac­ul­ty bas­soon­ist David A. Wells per­forms a recital of baroque music on peri­od instru­ments. The pro­gram will include works by J.B. Bois­morti­er, J.G. Graun, J. F. Fasch, G.P. Tele­mann, and fea­tures guests Lor­na Peters (harp­si­chord), Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (baroque cel­lo), Cathie Apple (tra­ver­so), Nao­mi Rogers-Hefley (baroque vio­lin), and Daniel Yoder (bass-bari­tone).
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
Fac­ul­ty bas­soon­ist David A. Wells per­forms a recital of baroque music on peri­od instru­ments. The pro­gram will include works by J.B. Bois­morti­er, J.G. Graun, J. F. Fasch, G.P. Tele­mann, and fea­tures guests Lor­na Peters (harp­si­chord), Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (baroque cel­lo), Cathie Apple (tra­ver­so), Nao­mi Rogers-Hefley (baroque vio­lin), and Daniel Yoder (bass-bari­tone).
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane returns to The Back Room in Berke­ley! This lis­ten­ing room has incred­i­ble acoustics, and aims to recre­ate the cozy ambi­ence of the orig­i­nal Freight & Sal­vage. You’re wel­come to BYOB to enjoy dur­ing the show
The Back Room
1984 Boni­ta Ave., Berke­ley, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa’s San Fran­cis­co debut pro­gram includes selec­tions from Charles Avi­son’s Con­cer­ti Grossi after Scar­lat­ti; Tele­man­n’s Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa and Flute Con­cer­to in D major, TWV 51:D2 (Cathie Apple, tra­ver­so); Pur­cel­l’s “What Pow­er Art Thou” from King Arthur (Daniel Yoder, bass) and instru­men­tal selec­tions from Tim­on of Athens and The Gor­dian Knot; Gio­van­ni Anto­nio Pan­dolfi’s Vio­lin Sonata “La Melana,” Op. 3, No. 3 (Jubal Fulks, vio­lin); and Rameau’s “Mon­stre affeux” from Dar­d­anus (Daniel Yoder, bass) and dances from Les Indes Galante and Pla­tee.
San Fran­cis­co Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music
50 Oak Street, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
Beethoven Fes­ti­val Part II: Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5 in c minor, Choral Fan­ta­sy, and selec­tions from Mass in C Major, with con­duc­tor Jef­frey Kahane.
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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North­west­ern State Dou­ble Reed Day
The sixth annu­al North­west­ern State Dou­ble Reed Day 2019, with guest artist Dr. David A. Wells, will fea­ture a dou­ble reed ensem­ble read­ing ses­sion, mas­ter class­es, reed class­es and a Guest Artist/NSU Dou­ble Reed Fac­ul­ty recital.
Mag­a­le Recital Hall, Nortwest­ern State Univ.
143 Cen­tral Ave., Natchi­toches, LA (map)
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Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Symposium
Stephanie Cor­win plays Dard­’s Sonata No. 6 and Cor­ret­te’s Le Phenix with harp­si­chordist Ian Pritchard and baroque bas­soon­ists Charles Koster, Steve Vac­chi, and David A. Wells.
The Col­burn School
200 S. Grand Ave., Los Ange­les, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
San Fran­cis­co-based Amer­i­can Bach Soloists return to Weill Hall to per­form Handel’s Mes­si­ah – a cher­ished hol­i­day tra­di­tion. The mem­bers of ABS are lead­ing per­form­ers in the field of Baroque music, ded­i­cat­ed to his­tor­i­cal­ly informed per­for­mances of Bach and his con­tem­po­raries. Under the lead­er­ship of Music Direc­tor Jef­frey Thomas, the ensem­ble has achieved its vision of assem­bling the world’s finest vocal­ists and peri­od-instru­ment per­form­ers to bring this bril­liant music to life. 
Green Music Cen­ter
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohn­ert Park, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Handel’s Mes­si­ah, a time­less mas­ter­piece, will be pre­sent­ed for the 21st con­sec­u­tive year in the awe-inspir­ing majesty of Grace Cathe­dral. Peren­ni­al­ly a sold-out event, audi­ence mem­bers from far and wide attend this Bay Area favorite that fea­tures the superb Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the peri­od-instru­ment spe­cial­ists of ABS in one of their largest con­fig­u­ra­tions, under the direc­tion of Jef­frey Thomas.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Handel’s Mes­si­ah, a time­less mas­ter­piece, will be pre­sent­ed for the 21st con­sec­u­tive year in the awe-inspir­ing majesty of Grace Cathe­dral. Peren­ni­al­ly a sold-out event, audi­ence mem­bers from far and wide attend this Bay Area favorite that fea­tures the superb Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the peri­od-instru­ment spe­cial­ists of ABS in one of their largest con­fig­u­ra­tions, under the direc­tion of Jef­frey Thomas.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Bach Soloists
Handel’s Mes­si­ah, a time­less mas­ter­piece, will be pre­sent­ed for the 21st con­sec­u­tive year in the awe-inspir­ing majesty of Grace Cathe­dral. Peren­ni­al­ly a sold-out event, audi­ence mem­bers from far and wide attend this Bay Area favorite that fea­tures the superb Amer­i­can Bach Choir and the peri­od-instru­ment spe­cial­ists of ABS in one of their largest con­fig­u­ra­tions, under the direc­tion of Jef­frey Thomas.
Grace Cathe­dral
1100 Cal­i­for­nia St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days 2018: Radi­ant music for Christ­mas, can­dlelit pro­ces­sion, audi­ence sin­ga­long, new and famil­iar choral orches­tral hol­i­day songs, mer­ri­ment guaranteed!
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days 2018: Radi­ant music for Christ­mas, can­dlelit pro­ces­sion, audi­ence sin­ga­long, new and famil­iar choral orches­tral hol­i­day songs, mer­ri­ment guaranteed!
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Christ­mas Con­cer­tos by Can­dle­light: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists explore the splen­dor and beau­ty of Baroque Christ­mas Con­cer­tos in this musi­cal feast of works by Corel­li, Char­p­en­tier, Cor­rette, Torel­li, and Locatel­li. Fea­tur­ing Robin Fish­er, Soprano.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Christ­mas Con­cer­tos by Can­dle­light: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists explore the splen­dor and beau­ty of Baroque Christ­mas Con­cer­tos in this musi­cal feast of works by Corel­li, Char­p­en­tier, Cor­rette, Torel­li, and Locatel­li. Fea­tur­ing Robin Fish­er, Soprano.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Christ­mas Con­cer­tos by Can­dle­light: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists explore the splen­dor and beau­ty of Baroque Christ­mas Con­cer­tos in this musi­cal feast of works by Corel­li, Char­p­en­tier, Cor­rette, Torel­li, and Locatel­li. Fea­tur­ing Robin Fish­er, Soprano.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Christ­mas Con­cer­tos by Can­dle­light: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists explore the splen­dor and beau­ty of Baroque Christ­mas Con­cer­tos in this musi­cal feast of works by Corel­li, Char­p­en­tier, Cor­rette, Torel­li, and Locatel­li. Fea­tur­ing Robin Fish­er, Soprano.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fres­no Philharmonic
Com­mem­o­rate Vet­er­ans Day and the 100th anniver­sary of the end of World War I with a per­for­mance of Ben­jamin Britten’s sear­ing and dra­mat­ic War Requiem. Weav­ing togeth­er texts from the Latin mass for the dead and poems by British sol­dier Wil­fred Owen, who died in the trench­es of World War I, this 20th cen­tu­ry mas­ter­piece mov­ing­ly depicts the expe­ri­ence of war from the soldier’s perspective.
William Saroy­an The­ater
730 M St., Fres­no, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and Gyp­sy swing.
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia spir­i­tu­osa presents “A Fam­i­ly Con­nec­tion,” fea­tur­ing works by father Johann Sebas­t­ian and son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, as well as CPE’s god­fa­ther Georg Philipp Telemann.
King Cen­ter
855 Lawrence Way, Den­ver, CO (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia spir­i­tu­osa presents “A Fam­i­ly Con­nec­tion,” fea­tur­ing works by father Johann Sebas­t­ian and son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, as well as CPE’s god­fa­ther Georg Philipp Telemann.
Foun­da­tion Hall, UNC
1516 8th Ave., Gree­ley, CO (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia spir­i­tu­osa presents “A Fam­i­ly Con­nec­tion,” fea­tur­ing works by father Johann Sebas­t­ian and son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, as well as CPE’s god­fa­ther Georg Philipp Telemann.
Epiphany Luther­an Church
790 S. Coro­na St., Den­ver, CO (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
The West Modesto Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lab­o­ra­tive’s Great Gats­by Gala is a fundrais­er to sup­port WMC­C’s pro­grams. In addi­tion to live music by HCFG, the event will fea­ture din­ner, danc­ing, live auc­tion, and a cos­tume contest!
Greens On Tenth
953 Tenth Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An after­noon of hot swing at Modesto’s only acoustic lis­ten­ing room
Moon & Six­pence Music and Art House
500 9th St., Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Carmel Bach Festival
A Night at the Opera: a spe­cial per­for­mance of a rich spec­trum of music span­ning near­ly 200 years includ­ing the­atri­cal mas­ter­pieces from Ger­man­ic mas­ters such as Han­del, Mozart, Beethoven, Wag­n­er, and Strauss II as well as Leonard Bernstein.
Sun­set Cen­ter
San Car­los St & 9th Ave, Carmel, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Ceres is cel­e­brat­ing its Cen­ten­ni­al, and this sum­mer’s con­cert series hon­ors the city’s dif­fer­ent eras with a vari­ety of music. HCFG, along with open­ers Gold­en Val­ley Bar­ber­shop, bring music of the 1930s to the series. Admis­sion is free!
Ceres Con­certs in the Park
Ceres Whit­more Park, 3rd St., Ceres, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane makes their Berke­ley debut at this cozy venue that aims to recre­ate the cozy ambi­ence of the orig­i­nal Freight & Salvage.
The Back Room
1984 Boni­ta Ave., Berke­ley, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. Our last few shows here have com­plete­ly filled up, so call and make your reser­va­tions early!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays as part of the brand new Roseville Jazz Day! The whole event runs 11am-9pm and fea­tures more than 20 groups per­form­ing across sev­en venues along Ver­non Street. Head­lin­ers The Man­hat­tan Trans­fer play two shows at 4 and 7pm.
Roseville Jazz Day
Ver­non St., Roseville, CA (map)
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InCon­cert Sierra
Sier­ra Mas­ter Chorale with the InCon­cert Sier­ra Orchestra
Grass Val­ley Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist Church
12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
InCon­cert Sierra
Sier­ra Mas­ter Chorale with the InCon­cert Sier­ra Orchestra
Grass Val­ley Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist Church
12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Praise and Jubi­la­tion: Dan For­rest’s Jubi­late Deo (West Coast Pre­mière), Ottori­no Respighi’s Ancient Airs and Dances, and Antonin Dvořàk’s Te Deum. Fea­tur­ing bari­tone Shawn Spiess.
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Pops Con­cert
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Light and Fire: Felix Mendelssohn’s Die Erste Walpur­gis­nacht and the West Coast Pre­miere of Dan For­rest’s Lux: The Dawn from on High
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia spir­i­tu­osa is a brand-new cham­ber orches­tra ded­i­cat­ed to pre­sent­ing bold, his­tor­i­cal­ly-informed per­for­mances on peri­od instru­ments. Led by Sac State fac­ul­ty mem­ber Dr. Lor­na Peters, the ensem­ble con­sists of strings, flute, bas­soon, voice, harp­si­chord, organ, arch­lute, the­o­r­bo, and baroque gui­tar. Its mem­bers, which include some Sac State fac­ul­ty and alum­ni, come from North­ern and South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, Wash­ing­ton, and Col­orado. This con­cert will include works by Avi­son, Bertali, Muf­fat, Rameau, Tele­mann, and Vivaldi.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sin­fo­nia spir­i­tu­osa is a brand-new cham­ber orches­tra ded­i­cat­ed to pre­sent­ing bold, his­tor­i­cal­ly-informed per­for­mances on peri­od instru­ments. Led by Sac State fac­ul­ty mem­ber Dr. Lor­na Peters, the ensem­ble con­sists of strings, flute, bas­soon, voice, harp­si­chord, organ, arch­lute, the­o­r­bo, and baroque gui­tar. Its mem­bers, which include some Sac State fac­ul­ty and alum­ni, come from North­ern and South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, Wash­ing­ton, and Col­orado. This con­cert will include works by Avi­son, Bertali, Muf­fat, Rameau, Tele­mann, and Vivaldi.
Mor­ris Chapel, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3601 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Sym­pho­ny Napa Valley
Arvo Pärt’s Salve Regi­na, Beethoven’s Triple Con­cer­to and Choral Fan­ta­sy
Lin­coln The­ater
100 Cal­i­for­nia Dri­ve, Yountville, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Euro­pean Mas­ter­works: Mozart’s Requiem and Exul­tate Jubi­late, Morten Lau­rid­sen’s Lux Aeter­na, and James Whit­bourn’s Lux in Tene­bris. With sopra­no Nik­ki Ein­feld, mez­zo-sopra­no Karin Mushe­gain, tenor Michael Desnoy­ers, and bass Matt Boehler.
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Guest Artist Con­cert, Sacra­men­to State
Guest artists Dr. Den­nette McDer­mott (Baroque flute), Dr. Doug Bak­en­hus (Baroque bas­soon), and Lind­sey Strand-Polyak (Baroque vio­lin), with Sacra­men­to State’s own David A. Wells on bas­soon and Lor­na Peters on harp­si­chord. The pro­gram will include works by Joseph Bod­in de Bois­morti­er, Jean-Daniel Braun, Jiri Čart, Georg Philipp Tele­mann, and Anto­nio Vivaldi.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. Our last few shows here have com­plete­ly filled up, so call and make your reser­va­tions early!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Guest Artist Recital
Con­cert on Baroque bas­soon with Dr. Den­nette McDer­mott (Baroque flute) and Dr. Doug Bak­en­hus (Baroque bassoon)
Mag­a­le Recital Hall, Nortwest­ern State Univ.
143 Cen­tral Ave., Natchi­toches, LA (map)
Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Capel­la Anti­qua and the Cathe­dral Choir join forces with soloists Robin Fish­er, Valerie Loera, Matt Hidal­go, and Daniel Yoder to per­form Haydn’s Sta­bat Mater.
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Viva Vival­di! In the midst of the rev­el­ry of 18th-Cen­tu­ry Venice, Anto­nio Vival­di drew trav­el­ers from all over Europe to hear the per­for­mances of his con­cer­tos. His con­cer­tos have an ener­gy and sweet expres­sive­ness that have sur­vived cen­turies. Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists present a pro­gram of Vival­di Con­cer­tos includ­ing “Spring” from The Four Sea­sons, Il Pro­teo (con­cer­to for vio­lin and cel­lo), and a haunt­ing­ly beau­ti­ful bas­soon con­cer­to fea­tur­ing baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Viva Vival­di! In the midst of the rev­el­ry of 18th-Cen­tu­ry Venice, Anto­nio Vival­di drew trav­el­ers from all over Europe to hear the per­for­mances of his con­cer­tos. His con­cer­tos have an ener­gy and sweet expres­sive­ness that have sur­vived cen­turies. Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists present a pro­gram of Vival­di Con­cer­tos includ­ing “Spring” from The Four Sea­sons, Il Pro­teo (con­cer­to for vio­lin and cel­lo), and a haunt­ing­ly beau­ti­ful bas­soon con­cer­to fea­tur­ing baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Viva Vival­di! In the midst of the rev­el­ry of 18th-Cen­tu­ry Venice, Anto­nio Vival­di drew trav­el­ers from all over Europe to hear the per­for­mances of his con­cer­tos. His con­cer­tos have an ener­gy and sweet expres­sive­ness that have sur­vived cen­turies. Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists present a pro­gram of Vival­di Con­cer­tos includ­ing “Spring” from The Four Sea­sons, Il Pro­teo (con­cer­to for vio­lin and cel­lo), and a haunt­ing­ly beau­ti­ful bas­soon con­cer­to fea­tur­ing baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
The music of ABBA
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Igor Stravin­sky’s L’His­toire du Soldat
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
Igor Stravin­sky’s L’His­toire du Soldat
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Zion Cham­ber Orchestra
Cop­land’s John Hen­ry, Mendelssohn’s Vio­lin Con­cer­to, and Saint-Saën­s’s Sym­pho­ny #2
Zion Luther­an Church
808 W. Porter Ave., Stock­ton, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Voice of the Cel­lo (and Bas­soon) – Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form reper­toire of the Baroque era writ­ten for one, two, and three cel­los, joined by baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells and accom­pa­nied by harp­si­chord and organ. Reper­toire includes Fasch’s Bas­soon Sonata in C major, Cor­ret­te’s Con­cer­to “Le Phenix”, and Schwartzkopf­f’s Trio Sonata for cel­lo, bas­soon, and continuo.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Voice of the Cel­lo (and Bas­soon) – Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form reper­toire of the Baroque era writ­ten for one, two, and three cel­los, joined by baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells and accom­pa­nied by harp­si­chord and organ. Reper­toire includes Fasch’s Bas­soon Sonata in C major, Cor­ret­te’s Con­cer­to “Le Phenix”, and Schwartzkopf­f’s Trio Sonata for cel­lo, bas­soon, and continuo.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
Voice of the Cel­lo (and Bas­soon) – Dark, rich, and sonorous, and also bright, sweet, and expres­sive, the cel­lo is the most ver­sa­tile of instru­ments. In this peren­ni­al favorite con­cert, Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists’ cel­lists per­form reper­toire of the Baroque era writ­ten for one, two, and three cel­los, joined by baroque bas­soon­ist David Wells and accom­pa­nied by harp­si­chord and organ. Reper­toire includes Fasch’s Bas­soon Sonata in C major, Cor­ret­te’s Con­cer­to “Le Phenix”, and Schwartzkopf­f’s Trio Sonata for cel­lo, bas­soon, and continuo.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Music at Noon
Per­form­ing Fasch’s Bas­soon Sonata in C major as a guest on a con­cert by harp­si­chordist Faythe Voll­rath. Voll­rath will play solo works by J. S. Bach, F. T. Richter, Tošić, and Handel.
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Ballet
The Nut­crack­er
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Ballet
The Nut­crack­er
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Ballet
The Nut­crack­er
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Han­del’s Mes­si­ah with peri­od instruments
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Sacra­men­to’s newest peri­od instru­ment ensem­ble makes its debut, shar­ing a pro­gram with Cam­er­a­ta Capis­tra­no, Sacra­men­to State’s stu­dent Baroque ensemble.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days 2017—A down­town Sacra­men­to tra­di­tion ush­er­ing in the hol­i­day spir­it. Fea­tur­ing guests bari­tone Matt Hanscom, the Sacra­men­to Children’s Cho­rus, and pup­pets of the Green Val­ley The­atre Company.

Can­dlelit pro­ces­sion • Audi­ence sin­ga­long • Mer­ri­ment guaranteed!
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days 2017—A down­town Sacra­men­to tra­di­tion ush­er­ing in the hol­i­day spir­it. Fea­tur­ing guests bari­tone Matt Hanscom, the Sacra­men­to Children’s Cho­rus, and pup­pets of the Green Val­ley The­atre Company.

Can­dlelit pro­ces­sion • Audi­ence sin­ga­long • Mer­ri­ment guaranteed!
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Modesto Sym­pho­ny
Hol­i­day Pops with Ash­ley Brown
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Modesto Sym­pho­ny
Hol­i­day Pops with Ash­ley Brown
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. Our last few shows here have com­plete­ly filled up, so call and make your reser­va­tions early!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Sac State’s wood­wind fac­ul­ty per­form a con­cert of cham­ber music as part of the 2017 Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fol­som Lake Symphony
Rachmaninoff’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 2 with pianist Jon Naka­mat­su and Shostakovich’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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InCon­cert Sierra
Con­duc­tor Ken Hardin has assem­bled a won­der­ful pro­gram of orches­tral favorites – music you know and love! This marks the fifth sea­son of show­cas­ing the ICS Orches­tra in its annu­al con­cert of audi­ence-select­ed favorites
Grass Val­ley Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist Church
12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Moon & Six­pence Music and Art House is locat­ed just a few blocks from the main strip of down­town Modesto, in the Cooks Mar­ket­place cen­ter at 500 9th St. (next to El Sol restau­rant.) Doors at 6:30 PM, con­cert at 7:00 — $15 at the door.
Moon & Six­pence Music and Art House
500 9th St., Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Come join Hot Club Faux Gitane for a night of music and fun in the 10th Street Plaza!
Music in the Plaza
1010 10th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane returns to the West Side Theatre
West Side The­atre
1331 Main Street, New­man, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages – no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to State Con­cert Band
Dr. Wells per­forms Eric Ewazen’s Con­cer­to for Bas­soon and Wind Ensem­ble with Sac State’s Con­cert Band under the direc­tion of Ger­ald Willis
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Mendelssohn’s Psalm 42 and Rossini’s Sta­bat Mater
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Opera
Giuseppe Verdi’s La Travi­a­ta, con­duct­ed by Jose Luis Gomez
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
TuBas­soon (Julian Dixon, tuba and David Wells, bas­soon) plays as part of the Sacra­men­to Phil­har­mon­ic & Oper­a’s Cre8tive Con­certs series.
CSH Well­ness & Recov­ery Cen­ter
Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages – no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Cham­ber Music Soci­ety of Sacramento
Bar­ber, Sum­mer Music for Wind Quin­tet; Corigliano, Sonata for Vio­lin and Piano; Vern Reynolds, Sonata for Flute and Piano; Korn­gold, Suite for Left Hand Piano, Two Vio­lins, and Cello
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Cham­ber Music Soci­ety of Sacramento
Bar­ber, Sum­mer Music for Wind Quin­tet; Corigliano, Sonata for Vio­lin and Piano; Vern Reynolds, Sonata for Flute and Piano; Korn­gold, Suite for Left Hand Piano, Two Vio­lins, and Cello
Bet Haver­im Syn­a­gogue
1715 Ander­son Road, Davis, CA (map)
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Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Winter’s Hope: J.S. Bach’s Can­ta­ta Nach dir, Herr, ver­langet mich. Fea­tur­ing both our choir and Baroque orches­tra, this con­cert will include works by by Bach, Sam­mar­ti­ni, and Purcell.
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-win­ning play by Amer­i­can play­wright Thorn­ton Wilder, the opera is an inti­mate and touch­ing look into every­day life in a small town. Writ­ten in 2006 by Pulitzer Prize-win­ning com­pos­er Ned Rorem, the opera uti­lizes pleas­ant melodies and tonal har­monies to hon­or a time when our lives were sim­pler, and reminds us of the uni­ver­sal­i­ty of being human and the neces­si­ty of com­pan­ion­ship. This opera will be per­formed in the Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts as part of a day­long exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the his­to­ry of Modesto.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-win­ning play by Amer­i­can play­wright Thorn­ton Wilder, the opera is an inti­mate and touch­ing look into every­day life in a small town. Writ­ten in 2006 by Pulitzer Prize-win­ning com­pos­er Ned Rorem, the opera uti­lizes pleas­ant melodies and tonal har­monies to hon­or a time when our lives were sim­pler, and reminds us of the uni­ver­sal­i­ty of being human and the neces­si­ty of com­pan­ion­ship. This opera will be per­formed in the Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts as part of a day­long exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the his­to­ry of Modesto.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
The Carnegie Arts Cen­ter presents an inti­mate con­cert with Hot Club Faux Gitane! Bev­er­ages and light snacks will be avail­able to enjoy as you listen.
Carnegie Arts Cen­ter
250 N. Broad­way, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Wells Far­go Home for the Hol­i­days: A Sacra­men­to tra­di­tion ush­er­ing in the hol­i­day spirit
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Wells Far­go Home for the Hol­i­days: A Sacra­men­to tra­di­tion ush­er­ing in the hol­i­day spirit
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists ush­er in the hol­i­day sea­son with a con­cert of favorite Baroque Con­cer­tos and their own live­ly arrange­ments of ear­ly Christ­mas car­ols. Music of Corel­li, Vival­di, Biber, and Schütz.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists ush­er in the hol­i­day sea­son with a con­cert of favorite Baroque Con­cer­tos and their own live­ly arrange­ments of ear­ly Christ­mas car­ols. Music of Corel­li, Vival­di, Biber, and Schütz.
Har­ris Cen­ter
10 Col­lege Park­way, Fol­som, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists
A Baroque Christ­mas: Sacra­men­to Baroque Soloists ush­er in the hol­i­day sea­son with a con­cert of favorite Baroque Con­cer­tos and their own live­ly arrange­ments of ear­ly Christ­mas car­ols. Music of Corel­li, Vival­di, Biber, and Schütz.
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church
1430 J St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Join Hot Club Faux Gitane for a night of hot swing in the gal­leries of the Hag­gin Muse­um, with com­pli­men­ta­ry wine from Weibel Fam­i­ly Vine­yards & Win­ery and snacks. Our show is a time­ly tie-in with two spe­cial musi­cal exhibits cur­rent­ly mount­ed at the Hag­gin: Medieval to Met­al: The Art & Evo­lu­tion of the Gui­tar, and Dave Brubeck: Jazz Ambas­sador. Refresh­ments are served begin­ning at 6:30 and the music starts at 7.
Hag­gin Art Muse­um
1201 N Per­sh­ing Ave, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
After daz­zling two Gal­lo audi­ences last year as the open­ing act for Jay Leno, Hot Club Faux Gitane is back with their own show. Their hot swing music will have you groov­ing in your seat! The band com­bines the sophis­ti­ca­tion of ’30s Parisian Gyp­sy jazz (à la Djan­go Rein­hardt) with stan­dards and orig­i­nal tunes. The core of Hot Club Faux Gitane’s sound is the tra­di­tion­al rhythm/lead gui­tars and acoustic bass, but they add man­dolin, bas­soon, clar­inet, and the occa­sion­al melod­i­ca for a unique twist. The vocals of Francesca Bavaro pro­vide the icing on the cake!
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Fac­ul­ty bas­soon­ist Dr. David A. Wells brings his uncon­ven­tion­al swing band to Sac State’s School of Music. Hot Club Faux Gitane com­bines the sophis­ti­ca­tion of 1930s Parisian Gyp­sy jazz (à la Djan­go Rein­hardt) with stan­dards and orig­i­nal tunes. The core of Hot Club Faux Gitane’s sound is the tra­di­tion­al rhythm/lead gui­tars and acoustic bass, but they add bas­soon, man­dolin, and occa­sion­al oth­er instru­ments for a unique twist. In addi­tion to Wells, the group includes man­dolin­ist Gary Williams, gui­tarists Bil­ly Gay and Eric John­son, bassist John Ady, and fea­tures vocal­ist Francesca Bavaro.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
InCon­cert Sierra
Rav­el’s Moth­er Goose Suite (selec­tions), Rav­el’s Pavane for a Dead Princess, Han­del’s Over­ture to Music for the Roy­al Fire­works, Arria­ga’s Over­ture to Los Esclavos Felices, Tchaikovsky’s Sleep­ing Beau­ty Waltz, Mous­sorgsky’s Night on Bald Moun­tain, Dvo­rak’s Slavon­ic Dances, Op. 46 #2 & 3, William Wal­ton’s Crown Impe­r­i­al March
Grass Val­ley Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist Church
12889 Osborne Hill Rd., Grass Val­ley, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages – no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays for the Modesto Tra­di­tion­al Jazz Soci­ety’s month­ly gath­er­ing. We’ll play three sets (1, 2:30, and 4), inter­spersed with jam sessions.
Modesto Tra­di­tion­al Jazz Soci­ety
Clar­i­on Inn, 1612 Sisk Road, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fritzia Irízar: White Chameleon / HCFS
Per­form­ing Dafne Vicente-San­doval’s Sac­arosa for solo bas­soon as accom­pa­ni­ment to a film by Mex­i­can artist Fritzia Irízar. The Lab fea­tures an exhi­bi­tion of Irízar’s works July 28 — August 20, 2016.
The Lab
2948 16th St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages – no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Hayd­n’s Har­moniemesse, Ralph Vaugh­an Williams’s An Oxford Ele­gy, and Antonín Dvořák’s Psalm 149
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Jake Heg­gie’s Dead Man Walk­ing. Based on the best­selling 1993 mem­oir by Sis­ter Helen Pre­jean, the opera tells the pow­er­ful sto­ry of her dif­fi­cult jour­ney pro­vid­ing spir­i­tu­al guid­ance to a death row inmate at Louisiana State Pen­i­ten­tiary fac­ing immi­nent exe­cu­tion, the trou­bling impact on the fam­i­lies of the vic­tims, and the issue of the death penal­ty in our soci­ety. With a bril­liant libret­to by Ter­rance McNal­ly and a dra­mat­ic and incred­i­bly lyric musi­cal set­ting by Jake Heg­gie, this opera is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Jake Heg­gie’s Dead Man Walk­ing. Based on the best­selling 1993 mem­oir by Sis­ter Helen Pre­jean, the opera tells the pow­er­ful sto­ry of her dif­fi­cult jour­ney pro­vid­ing spir­i­tu­al guid­ance to a death row inmate at Louisiana State Pen­i­ten­tiary fac­ing immi­nent exe­cu­tion, the trou­bling impact on the fam­i­lies of the vic­tims, and the issue of the death penal­ty in our soci­ety. With a bril­liant libret­to by Ter­rance McNal­ly and a dra­mat­ic and incred­i­bly lyric musi­cal set­ting by Jake Heg­gie, this opera is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Stock­ton Symphony
Tchaikovsky’s Marche Slave, Edvard Grieg’s Piano Con­cer­to in A minor, and Ottori­no Respighi’s Pines of Rome. With Jon Naka­mat­su, piano
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays as part of the 3rd Annu­al Gold Coun­try Jazz Fes­ti­val, Host­ed by Pio­neer Union School Dis­trict and the Pio­neer Par­ent Music Coalition.
Gold Coun­try Jazz Fes­ti­val
6862 Mt. Aukum Rd., Som­er­set, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages – no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Expe­ri­ence a deeply mov­ing con­cert com­bin­ing music, word, and con­tem­pla­tion at the Cathe­dral of The Blessed Sacra­ment, one of Sacramento’s most pow­er­ful and evoca­tive spaces. This somber music will explore the lamen­ta­tions and grav­i­ty of human nature. Dis­cov­er the soar­ing melod­ic lines and intense­ly per­son­al set­ting of Fran­cois Couperin’s Leçons de ténèbres pour le mer­cre­di saint. Lis­ten to the beau­ti­ful coun­ter­play between vio­lins in Jean-Marie LeClair’s Sonata for Two Vio­lins. Enjoy the mourn­ful and mov­ing sound of the Baroque bas­soon in Dar­i­ous Castello’s Sonata No. 10. Fea­tur­ing the Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orches­tra, and sopra­no soloists BrieAnne Welch and Liisa Davila.
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Carl Orf­f’s Carmi­na Burana, Jonathan Dove’s Psalms for Leo (West Coast Pre­miere), Karl Jenk­in­s’s Songs of Sanc­tu­ary, and Josef Suk’s Towards a New Life (Writ­ten for the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles)
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
Aeri­al­ists, acro­bats, con­tor­tion­ists, jug­glers, and, of course, the Sacra­men­to Phil­har­mon­ic & Opera! Cirque de la Sym­phonie will leave you breath­less! Per­form­ers reach new heights as they swirl and swoop above and over the audi­ence. Per­formed to live music from your favorite clas­si­cal composers—a daz­zling show not to be missed!
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
Rach­mani­nof­f’s Piano Con­cer­to No. 2, Ben­jamin Britten’s Four Sea Inter­ludes and Stravin­sky’s Sym­pho­ny in C. Behzod Abdu­raimov, piano; Case Scaglione, conductor.
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Stephen Sond­heim’s Sweeney Todd. Based on count­less ser­i­al nov­els that gripped Lon­don­ers dur­ing the Vic­to­ri­an era – the more grue­some the bet­ter – a bar­ber wrong­ful­ly jailed by a cor­rupt judge returns to nine­teenth cen­tu­ry Lon­don to seek vengeance in Stephen Sondheim’s macabre musi­cal com­e­dy. A mix of intense bal­lads and music-hall com­e­dy that turns this sor­did and bloody tale into riv­et­ing enter­tain­ment, Sweeney Todd is wide­ly rec­og­nized as one of the great­est scores writ­ten for the mod­ern Amer­i­can lyric stage. Expe­ri­ence this leg­endary musi­cal com­e­dy like nev­er before: in the full oper­at­ic set­ting many believe this piece deserves – high qual­i­ty singing and no ampli­fied sound!
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Stephen Sond­heim’s Sweeney Todd. Based on count­less ser­i­al nov­els that gripped Lon­don­ers dur­ing the Vic­to­ri­an era – the more grue­some the bet­ter – a bar­ber wrong­ful­ly jailed by a cor­rupt judge returns to nine­teenth cen­tu­ry Lon­don to seek vengeance in Stephen Sondheim’s macabre musi­cal com­e­dy. A mix of intense bal­lads and music-hall com­e­dy that turns this sor­did and bloody tale into riv­et­ing enter­tain­ment, Sweeney Todd is wide­ly rec­og­nized as one of the great­est scores writ­ten for the mod­ern Amer­i­can lyric stage. Expe­ri­ence this leg­endary musi­cal com­e­dy like nev­er before: in the full oper­at­ic set­ting many believe this piece deserves – high qual­i­ty singing and no ampli­fied sound!
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Zion Cham­ber Orchestra
Paul Kim­ball, con­duc­tor; Rachel Wait­ers, mezzo–soprano; Cyn­thia Dario Good, soprano

Mozart’s Over­ture to Don Gio­van­ni Over­ture, Manuel de Fal­la’s 7 Can­ciones Pop­u­lares, Selec­tions from Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro, and Mozart’s Sym­pho­ny No. 40 in G minor
Zion Luther­an Church
808 W. Porter Ave., Stock­ton, CA (map)
8:00am 01/17/16
Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Symposium
The Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Sym­po­sium is an inspir­ing three-day event ded­i­cat­ed to bas­soon mas­ter class­es, pre­sen­ta­tions, con­certs, and the live semi­fi­nal and final rounds of a com­pe­ti­tion for young women bas­soon­ists from the Amer­i­c­as. The fourth MQVC Bas­soon Sym­po­sium, at the Col­burn School in Los Ange­les, is open to bas­soon­ists of all ages, gen­ders, and abil­i­ty lev­els. See for more details.
The Col­burn School
200 S. Grand Ave., Los Ange­les, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Wells Far­go Home for the Holidays
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
The Carnegie Music Series presents a con­cert per­for­mance by Hot Club Faux Gitane.
Carnegie Arts Cen­ter
250 N. Broad­way, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Stock­ton Symphony
Copland’s Four Dance Episodes from Rodeo, Dukas’s The Sorcerer’s Appren­tice, and Berlioz’s Sym­phonie fantastique
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Alum­ni Recital, Sacra­men­to State
The inau­gur­al con­cert of the Sacra­men­to State School of Music Alum­ni Series fea­tures bas­soon­ist Dori­an Antipa, oboist Cindy Behmer, and pianist Eri­na Saito. Also appear­ing will be John Coz­za, Tim­o­thy Stan­ley, Gina Vitan­za, Faythe Voll­rath, and David A. Wells.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Capel­la Anti­qua Baroque Orchestra
Cathe­dral of the Blessed Sacra­ment
1017 11th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Dori­an Antipa Vis­it­ing Fac­ul­ty Recital
Dori­an Antipa presents a recital of works by Mirosh­nikov, Hin­demith, Saint-Saëns, and Poulenc, along with Michel Cor­ret­te’s Le Phenix for four bassoons.
Recital Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3515 Pacif­ic Cir­cle, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Stock­ton Symphony
Brahms’s Aca­d­e­m­ic Fes­ti­val Over­ture, Beethoven’s Triple Con­cer­to, Debussy’s Clair de lune, and Ravel’s Alb­o­ra­da del gra­cioso and La valse.
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Sacra­men­to State’s wood­wind fac­ul­ty per­forms the works for the 2016 Cal­i­for­nia High School All-State Band/Orchestra Audi­tions: Poem by Charles Griffes (Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute); Sonate by Paul Hin­demith (Deb­o­rah Shi­dler, oboe); Sonata by Fran­cis Poulenc (San­dra McPher­son, clar­inet); Sonata by Bern­hard Hei­den (Kei­th Bohm, sax­o­phone); and Sonata in F Minor by Georg Philipp Tele­mann (David A. Wells, bas­soon). With John Coz­za (piano), Lor­na Peters (harp­si­chord), and Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (cel­lo).

The fac­ul­ty will also present mas­ter class­es on these works and those for aux­il­iary instru­ments, start­ing at 6pm. Reg­is­ter for the mas­ter class­es here.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
Sacra­men­to State’s wood­wind fac­ul­ty per­forms the works for the 2016 Cal­i­for­nia High School All-State Band/Orchestra Audi­tions: Poem by Charles Griffes (Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute); Sonate by Paul Hin­demith (Deb­o­rah Shi­dler, oboe); Sonata by Fran­cis Poulenc (San­dra McPher­son, clar­inet); Sonata by Bern­hard Hei­den (Kei­th Bohm, sax­o­phone); and Sonata in F Minor by Georg Philipp Tele­mann (David A. Wells, bas­soon). With John Coz­za (piano), Lor­na Peters (harp­si­chord), and Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (cel­lo).

The fac­ul­ty will also present mas­ter class­es on these works and those for aux­il­iary instru­ments, start­ing at 6pm. Reg­is­ter for the mas­ter class­es here.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Wolf­GANG Wood­wind Quintet
Wolf­GANG plays at the 15th annu­al Schol­ar­Share Children’s Book Festival
Fairy­tale Town
3901 Land Park Dri­ve, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
Solo de Con­cert by Gabriel Pierné; Sonata No. 2 para dois fagotes by Fran­cis­co Mignone; Sonate, op. 168 by Camille Saint-Saëns; Hopi by Philippe Her­sant; and Guil­laume Tell Fan­taisie by Jean François Barthele­my Cokken (after Rossi­ni).

With John Coz­za (piano) and Dori­an Antipa (bas­soon).
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
Solo de Con­cert by Gabriel Pierné; Sonata No. 2 para dois fagotes by Fran­cis­co Mignone; Sonate, op. 168 by Camille Saint-Saëns; Hopi by Philippe Her­sant; and Guil­laume Tell Fan­taisie by Jean François Barthele­my Cokken (after Rossi­ni).

With John Coz­za (piano) and Dori­an Antipa (bas­soon).
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Annu­al Fall Gala and Exhi­bi­tion Pre­view: a spe­cial pre­view for the exhi­bi­tion “Alphonse Mucha: The Gold­en Age of Art Nou­veau, selec­tions from the Dhawan Col­lec­tion.” In hon­or of Mucha’s art, the gala will be entire­ly Parisian themed and will fea­ture cock­tails and Parisian din­ner, live music pro­vid­ed by Hot Club Faux Gitane, with Can-can girls, and live & silent auctions.
Carnegie Arts Cen­ter
250 N. Broad­way, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Mill Ave Cham­ber Players
The Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers per­form tran­scrip­tions for wood­wind quin­tet of works by Claude Debussy, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Andrew Thom­son at the 2015 Inter­na­tion­al Horn Soci­ety Con­fer­ence.

This con­cert will include MACP mem­bers: Mon­i­ca Antho­ny (flute), Niko­laus Flickinger (oboe), Erin Finkel­stein (clar­inet), Rose French (horn), and guest artist David A. Wells (bas­soon).
BP Hall at the Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall
111 S. Grand Ave, Los Ange­les, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Philharmonic
The Sacra­men­to Phil­har­mon­ic returns after a one-year hia­tus, with Gus­tav Mahler’s Sym­pho­ny No. 2 (“Res­ur­rec­tion”)
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Wolf­GANG Wood­wind Quintet
Wolf­GANG! plays for Sut­ter’s Com­mu­ni­ty Day
Sut­ter Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal
2801 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Wolf­GANG Wood­wind Quintet
North Sacra­men­to Unit­ed Methodist Church
650 El Camino Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Stock­ton Opera
Johann Strauss’s Die Fle­d­er­maus
Faye Spanos Con­cert Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3601 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Stock­ton Opera
Johann Strauss’s Die Fle­d­er­maus
Faye Spanos Con­cert Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3601 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
TuBas­soon (Julian Dixon, tuba and David Wells, bas­soon) plays as part of the Sacra­men­to Phil­har­mon­ic & Oper­a’s Art Inva­sions! series at a job fair pre­sent­ed by Sacra­men­to City Coun­cilmem­ber Lar­ry Carr and the Sacra­men­to Employ­ment and Train­ing Agency.
Pan­nell Mead­owview Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter
2450 Mead­owview Rd., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Dan For­rest, Requiem for the Liv­ing (West Coast Premiere)
James Hop­kins, Songs of Eternity
Howard Han­son, Sea Sym­pho­ny
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
CSU Stanis­laus New Music Festival
The 30th Annu­al CSU Stanis­laus Stu­dent Com­po­si­tion Con­cert fea­tures new works for two bas­soons by Michael Bernal, Gian­car­los Del­ga­do-Braun, Mar­shall Jones III, and Kris­ten Nunn, per­formed by bas­soon­ists David A. Wells and Nico­lasa Kuster.
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Gia­co­mo Puc­ci­ni, Tosca
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Gia­co­mo Puc­ci­ni, Tosca
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays for the Modesto Tra­di­tion­al Jazz Soci­ety’s annu­al rent par­ty, along with Ernie Bucios Lit­tle Big Band and the Cre­ole Jazz Kings. HCFG’s set starts at 2, but the whole event runs 12:30–4:30.
Modesto Tra­di­tion­al Jazz Soci­ety
Clar­i­on Inn, 1612 Sisk Road, Modesto, CA (map)
Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Concert
The 6th Annu­al Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Cham­ber Music Con­cert will fea­ture a vari­ety of cham­ber works, includ­ing pieces by Fran­cis­co Mignone and Chick Corea, along with a short set by Hot Club Faux Gitane.
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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U‑Create! is an event fea­tur­ing faculty/student research and per­for­mance projects from Sacra­men­to State’s Col­lege of Arts and Let­ters. Sac State sopho­more Jack Fan­ning and Dr. Wells will per­form a new work for elec­tric bas­soon duo.
Verge Cen­ter for the Arts
625 S St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sac State Bas­soon Stu­dio Recital
Cur­rent and for­mer mem­bers of the Sacra­men­to State Bas­soon Stu­dio will per­form solo works and bas­soon quar­tets. Dr. Wells will join in for the quar­tets and also for the World Pre­miere of a new work for elec­tric bas­soon duo.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
W. A. Mozart, Great Mass in C Minor
Cecil­ia McDowall, Mag­ni­fi­cat
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Con­fer­ence of the Soci­ety for Amer­i­can Music

Paper: “The Taint of Kul­tur”: Amer­i­can Orches­tras and the Ger­man Ques­tion Dur­ing World War I

Before World War I, pro­fes­sion­al orches­tras in the Unit­ed States employed pri­mar­i­ly Ger­man or Ger­man-Amer­i­can musi­cians, and per­formed most­ly Ger­man music. The war-time expe­ri­ences of promi­nent con­duc­tors such as Karl Muck have been explored, but less atten­tion has been paid to the over­all effect of the war on orches­tral ros­ters and reper­toires. Many Ger­man musi­cians were fired or indi­rect­ly forced out of their posi­tions, often being replaced by Amer­i­can or French play­ers. Some­what para­dox­i­cal­ly, although the war pre­cip­i­tat­ed a major shift away from Ger­man play­ers and con­duc­tors with­in Amer­i­can orches­tras, Ger­man reper­toire returned to pre­dom­i­nance short­ly after the war.
Sacra­men­to Con­ven­tion Cen­ter
1400 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays under the aus­pices of the Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Con­cert Asso­ci­a­tion.
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Merced Sym­pho­ny
Pops con­cert: Movie themes & clas­sics with a West­ern flavor
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
André Previn, A Street­car Named Desire
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
André Previn, A Street­car Named Desire
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
An evening of hot jazz and gyp­sy swing. All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Zion Cham­ber Orchestra
Lud­wig Van Beethoven, Sym­pho­ny No. 6, “Pas­toral”
Lud­wig Van Beethoven, Piano Con­cer­to No. 5 in E‑Flat Major, “Emper­or”
Zion Luther­an Church
808 W. Porter Ave., Stock­ton, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra

Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Stephen Waarts, violin

W. A. Mozart, Over­ture to Cosí fan Tutte, K. 588
Sergei Prokofiev, Sym­pho­ny No. 1 in D major, “Clas­si­cal,” Op. 25
Felix Mendelssohn, Vio­lin Con­cer­to in E minor, Op. 64

Cal­vary Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2515 Fill­more St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra

Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Stephen Waarts, violin

W. A. Mozart, Over­ture to Cosí fan Tutte, K. 588
Sergei Prokofiev, Sym­pho­ny No. 1 in D major, “Clas­si­cal,” Op. 25
Felix Mendelssohn, Vio­lin Con­cer­to in E minor, Op. 64

First Unit­ed Methodist Church
625 Hamil­ton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra

Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Stephen Waarts, violin

W. A. Mozart, Over­ture to Cosí fan Tutte, K. 588
Sergei Prokofiev, Sym­pho­ny No. 1 in D major, “Clas­si­cal,” Op. 25
Felix Mendelssohn, Vio­lin Con­cer­to in E minor, Op. 64

First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church
2345 Chan­ning Way, Berke­ley, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Home for the Hol­i­days — A Sacra­men­to tra­di­tion that ush­ers in the hol­i­day spirit.

With guest artists Julie Miller, mez­zo sopra­no; Sacra­men­to Chil­dren’s Cho­rus; and the Christ Com­mu­ni­ty Church Bell Choir.
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
CSU Sacra­men­to Sym­pho­ny Orchestra
As soloist in W.A. Mozart’s Con­cer­to in B‑flat, K. 191 for bas­soon and orchestra
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays a dou­ble bill with the Cre­ole Jazz Kings
West Side The­atre
1331 Main Street, New­man, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Wolf­GANG Wood­wind Quintet
Nar­ra­tor Julian Dixon and the Wolf­GANG Wood­wind Quin­tet present Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf in a pro­gram for the young and the young at heart! The quin­tet con­sists of Eric Achen, horn; Eliz­a­beth Coro­na­ta, flute; Cur­tis Kid­well, oboe; San­dra McPher­son, clar­inet; and David A. Wells, Bassoon.

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All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
2076 Sut­ter­ville Road, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Mill Ave Cham­ber Players
This con­cert cel­e­brates the release of the Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers’ first CD, record­ed in June 2014. The disc fea­tures tran­scrip­tions for wood­wind quin­tet of works by Claude Debussy, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Andrew Thomson.

This con­cert will include MACP mem­bers: Mon­i­ca Antho­ny (flute), Niko­laus Flickinger (oboe), Erin Finkel­stein (clar­inet), Rose French (horn), and guest artist David A. Wells (bas­soon).
Cen­tral Unit­ed Methodist Church
1875 N Cen­tral Ave, Phoenix, AZ (map)
Mill Ave Cham­ber Players
This con­cert cel­e­brates the release of the Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers’ first CD, record­ed in June 2014. The disc fea­tures tran­scrip­tions for wood­wind quin­tet of works by Claude Debussy, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Andrew Thomson.

This con­cert will include MACP mem­bers: Mon­i­ca Antho­ny (flute), Niko­laus Flickinger (oboe), Erin Finkel­stein (clar­inet), Rose French (horn), and guest artist David A. Wells (bas­soon).
Amer­i­can Luther­an Church
17200 N. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City, AZ (map)
Mill Ave Cham­ber Players
This con­cert cel­e­brates the release of the Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers’ first CD, record­ed in June 2014. The disc fea­tures tran­scrip­tions for wood­wind quin­tet of works by Claude Debussy, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Andrew Thomson.

This con­cert will include MACP mem­bers: Mon­i­ca Antho­ny (flute), Niko­laus Flickinger (oboe), Erin Finkel­stein (clar­inet), Rose French (horn), and guest artist David A. Wells (bas­soon).
Cicero Prepara­to­ry Acad­e­my
7205 North Pima Road, Scotts­dale, AZ (map)
Valle­jo Symphony
Mus­sorgsky, Night on Bald Moun­tain; Shostakovich, Cel­lo Con­cer­to No. 1; Rav­el, Pavane for a Dead Princess; Gersh­win, An Amer­i­can in Paris
Hogan Audi­to­ri­um
850 Rose­wood Ave., Valle­jo, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem with soloists sopra­no Marnie Breck­en­ridge and bass Eugene Brancoveanu.
Davies Sym­pho­ny Hall
201 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem with soloists sopra­no Marnie Breck­en­ridge and bass Eugene Brancoveanu.
Davies Sym­pho­ny Hall
201 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
IDRS 2014 — Abdon Laus and the Pre­meire of the Rite of Spring
When Igor Stravin­sky’s Rite of Spring received its much-talked-about pre­miere at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées on May 29, 1913, bas­soon­ist Abdon Laus had the task of play­ing the now-famous open­ing solo. But Laus is lit­tle known today, despite the fact that he went on to play twen­ty-six sea­sons with the Boston Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra (sev­en­teen as prin­ci­pal). Much mythol­o­gy has grown up around the piece’s pre­miere in gen­er­al and the open­ing solo in par­tic­u­lar — such as the oft-repeat­ed and like­ly apoc­ryphal com­ment attrib­uted to Camille Saint-Saëns (“If that’s a bas­soon, then I’m a baboon!”). This lec­ture will explore Laus’s life, career, and train­ing, with par­tic­u­lar focus on his role as the first to play the Rite and a look at his bas­soon. It will also exam­ine the solo in the con­text of ear­li­er orches­tral and solo reper­toire for bas­soon, address var­i­ous sto­ries about the reac­tions it pro­voked in musi­cians and audi­ence mem­bers, and attempt to sort through con­flict­ing reports of Stravin­sky’s intent for how it should be played.
Glob­al Cen­ter C95, NYU
238 Thomp­son St., New York, NY (map)
Amadeus Joplin
Amadeus Joplin is an eclec­tic ensem­ble fea­tur­ing Har­mon­i­ca, Bas­soon, Piano, Gui­tar and Voice, play­ing classical/art songs, Jazz and Blues stan­dards, and orig­i­nal music hot off the press.
1400 E Street #A, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Hot Club Faux Gitane plays the week­ly Music at Noon series. These con­certs are just an hour long, and atten­dees are wel­come to bring and eat their lunch dur­ing the show. Admis­sion is free, but dona­tions are wel­come. More details here:
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
John Rutter’s Mass of the Children
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
2076 Sut­ter­ville Road, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
John Rutter’s Mass of the Children
All Saints Epis­co­pal Church
2076 Sut­ter­ville Road, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Johannes Brahm­s’s Schick­sal­slied, John Burge’s Angels’ Voic­es, Ralph Vaugh­an Williams’s Toward the Unknown Region, and Carl Orf­f’s Carmi­na Burana
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
The World Pre­miere of the recon­struc­tion of Zeno­bia Pow­ell Per­ry’s opera Tawawa House, which tells the cap­ti­vat­ing tale of a stop on the Under­ground Rail­road at the onset of the Civ­il War.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Bass Instincts
A con­cert of Baroque arias by J.S. Bach, Bononci­ni, Fux, Graun, Han­del, and Vival­di for bass and low instru­ments, with addi­tion­al works by C.P.E. Bach, Couperin, and Gem­ini­ani. A num­ber of the arias for bass with bas­soon obbli­ga­to are unpub­lished, and have been tak­en straight from man­u­scripts in Euro­pean archives.

Beer brewed by Ben Pri­ma will be avail­able to accom­pa­ny the music (to those of age). Choose from either a dark bass clef stout or a peri­od-appro­pri­ate gruit.

The per­form­ers are: Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (cel­lo), Faythe Voll­rath (harp­si­chord), David A. Wells (bas­soon), and Daniel Yoder (bass). $5 sug­gest­ed donation.
Sacra­men­to Prepara­to­ry Music Acad­e­my
3823 V Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
The World Pre­miere of the recon­struc­tion of Zeno­bia Pow­ell Per­ry’s opera Tawawa House, which tells the cap­ti­vat­ing tale of a stop on the Under­ground Rail­road at the onset of the Civ­il War.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Clas­si­cal Rev­o­lu­tion Sacramento
Pre­view of Bass Instincts, a con­cert of Baroque arias for bass and low instru­ments, with Daniel Yoder (bass), Tim­o­thy Stan­ley (cel­lo), and Faythe Voll­rath (harp­si­chord). City­wa­ter will also perform.
1400 E Street #A, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane per­forms as part of the third annu­al U‑Nite at the Crock­er Art Muse­um. The mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary cel­e­bra­tion of the arts, which runs from 5 to 9pm, will fill the muse­um’s gal­leries with music, dance, the­ater, pho­tog­ra­phy, design, film, poet­ry, and prose.
Crock­er Art Muse­um
216 O Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Concert
Heitor Vil­la-Lobos’s Bachi­anas Brasileiras No. 6 with Jean­nine Den­nis (flute), and a short set with Hot Club Faux Gitane. The 5th Annu­al Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Cham­ber Music Con­cert hon­ors the for­mer bas­soon teacher at CSU Stanis­laus with an evening of per­for­mances by fac­ul­ty, stu­dents, and mem­bers of the community.
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Charles Vil­liers Stan­ford’s Sta­bat Mater and Felix Mendelssohn’s Sym­pho­ny No. 2, Op 52 (“Lobge­sang”)
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers with the Pacif­ic Arts Wood­wind Quintet
Per­form­ing as guest bas­soon­ist with the Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers for a wood­wind quin­tet tran­scrip­tion of Dim­itri Shostakovich’s String Quar­tet No. 8, op. 110. The con­cert also includes the world pre­miere of John Stein­metz’s Three Pieces for wind dectet, per­formed by the Pacif­ic Arts Wood­wind Quin­tet and the Mill Ave Cham­ber Play­ers with Stein­metz on bassoon.
Recital Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3515 Pacif­ic Cir­cle, Stock­ton, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Opera
Giuseppe Verdi’s Il Trova­tore, con­duct­ed by Michael Morgan
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Opera
Giuseppe Verdi’s Il Trova­tore, con­duct­ed by Michael Morgan
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
A con­cert of French music from the 1930s & 1940s, fea­tur­ing Deb­o­rah Shi­dler (oboe), San­dra McPher­son (clar­inet), Dr. John Coz­za (piano), and Hot Club Faux Gitane. Works by Hen­ri Dutilleux, Eugène Boz­za, Gabriel Pierné, Jacques Ibert, Djan­go Rein­hardt, and others.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
A con­cert of French music from the 1930s & 1940s, fea­tur­ing Deb­o­rah Shi­dler (oboe), San­dra McPher­son (clar­inet), Dr. John Coz­za (piano), and Hot Club Faux Gitane. Works by Hen­ri Dutilleux, Eugène Boz­za, Gabriel Pierné, Jacques Ibert, Djan­go Rein­hardt, and others.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Stanislaus
A con­cert of French music from the 1930s & 1940s, fea­tur­ing Dr. Yan Yan Chan (piano), Dr. Jea­nine Den­nis (flute) and Hot Club Faux Gitane. Works by Hen­ri Dutilleux, Eugène Boz­za, Gabriel Pierné, Djan­go Rein­hardt, and others.
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Puc­cini’s La Bohème
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Puc­cini’s La Bohème
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Merced Sym­pho­ny
Vil­lains & Heroes: A rous­ing mix of dra­mat­ic favorites, both clas­sic (such as Ravel’s Bolero) and mod­ern (such as the Super­man theme)
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
J.S. Bach’s can­ta­ta Durch­laucht­ster Leopold, BWV 173a, with Sacra­men­to State’s Baroque ensemble.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
SCSO’s annu­al Home for the Hol­i­days concert
Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um
1515 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Pacif­ic Cham­ber Symphony
Crazy About Bach: The Com­plete Bran­den­burg Concerti
Bankhead The­ater
2400 First Street, Liv­er­more, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Pacif­ic Cham­ber Symphony
Crazy About Bach: The Com­plete Bran­den­burg Concerti
Lafayette Library and Learn­ing Cen­ter
3491 Mt. Dia­blo Blvd, Lafayette, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Per­for­mance with the Fes­ti­val Ensem­ble. Reper­toire TBA.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Merced Sym­pho­ny
Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Sym­pho­ny and Edvard Grieg’s Piano Con­cer­to with soloist Tara Kamangar.
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Aaron Jay Kernis’s Cel­lo Con­cer­to (West Coast pre­miere) with soloist Joshua Roman, and Hayd­n’s Sym­pho­ny No. 100 (“Mil­i­tary”).
First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church
2345 Chan­ning Way, Berke­ley, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Aaron Jay Kernis’s Cel­lo Con­cer­to (West Coast pre­miere) with soloist Joshua Roman, and Hayd­n’s Sym­pho­ny No. 100 (“Mil­i­tary”).
First Unit­ed Methodist Church
625 Hamil­ton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Aaron Jay Kernis’s Cel­lo Con­cer­to (West Coast pre­miere) with soloist Joshua Roman, and Hayd­n’s Sym­pho­ny No. 100 (“Mil­i­tary”).
Nourse The­ater
275 Hayes St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Clas­si­cal Rev­o­lu­tion Sacramento
Cham­ber music in a casu­al cof­fee shop/bar set­ting. Per­form­ing works by Anto­nio Vival­di and Bar­tolomeo de Sel­ma y Salaverde with harp­schordist Faythe Voll­rath, celi­ist Tim Stan­ley, and bass Daniel Yoder.
Bows & Arrows
1815 19th St., Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Modesto Sym­pho­ny
Cop­land’s Danzón Cubano; Egea’s Fan­ta­sia Fla­men­ca; Velas­co’s Asturi­an Suite; Chavez’s Sym­pho­ny No. 2, “Sin­fo­nia India”; and the World Pre­miere of a new piece by Raimun­do Penaforte, fea­tur­ing the Axiom Brass Quintet
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Modesto Sym­pho­ny
Cop­land’s Danzón Cubano; Egea’s Fan­ta­sia Fla­men­ca; Velas­co’s Asturi­an Suite; Chavez’s Sym­pho­ny No. 2, “Sin­fo­nia India”; and the World Pre­miere of a new piece by Raimun­do Penaforte, fea­tur­ing the Axiom Brass Quintet
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Bra­vo Bach Festival
Vivaldi’s Bas­soon Con­cer­to in g minor (RV 495), J.S. Bach’s can­ta­ta Durch­laucht­ster Leopold, BWV 173a, and oth­er works with Cam­er­a­ta Capis­tra­no, Sacra­men­to State’s Baroque ensemble.
St. Mark’s Unit­ed Methodist Church
2391 St Marks Way, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Merced Sym­pho­ny
Pops Con­cert: Gersh­win & Elling­ton on Broad­way, with vocals by sopra­no Jen­ni Samuelson.
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
The Modesto Cer­ti­fied Farmer’s Mar­ket is locat­ed on 16th Street between H Street and I Streets, along side of the Stanis­laus Coun­ty Library in down­town Modesto.
Modesto Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers Mar­ket
16th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Come hang out with us in 10th Street Plaza! We’ll be play­ing in front of Fuzio and the Bren­den The­ater.
Music in the Plaza
1010 10th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
IDRS 2013 — Püch­n­er Bas­soon Ensemble
A pro­gram of works for bas­soon ensem­ble, includ­ing J.S. Bach’s Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 and Pas­sacaglia in C minor, BWV 582; Josef Strauss’s Ohne Sor­gen; and Hugo Alvén’s Bour­rée. With bas­soon­ists Sax­ton Rose, Mag­nus Nils­son, Kim Walk­er, and Song Shibin.
Glenn Wal­lichs The­atre
Uni­ver­si­ty of Red­lands, Red­lands, CA (map)
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IDRS 2013 — Solo Recital
Two For­got­ten Pieces by Jan­court: A brief pro­gram con­sist­ing of two late nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry con­test pieces from the Paris Con­ser­va­toire. The works, writ­ten by Con­ser­va­toire bas­soon teacher Eugene Jan­court, have long been out of print.
Uni­ver­si­ty Hall
Uni­ver­si­ty of Red­lands, Red­lands, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Mesopotami­an Night
An assort­ment of orches­tral, choral, and pop­u­lar works cel­e­brat­ing Assyr­i­an his­to­ry and culture.
Cal­i­for­nia The­atre
345 South First Street, San Jose, CA (map)
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Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Grana­da High School
Liv­er­more, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Davis High School
Davis, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
John F. Kennedy High School
Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Berke­ley High School
Berke­ley, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Con­cord High School
Con­cord, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Fol­som High School
Fol­som, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Cam­er­a­ta Capistrano
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in g minor, RV 495, with CSU Sacra­men­to’s Baroque ensem­ble under the direc­tion of Lor­na Peters.
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sac State Bas­soon Stu­dio Recital
A series of solo and ensem­ble per­for­mances by the bas­soon­ists of Sacra­men­to State.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Samuel Bar­ber’s Hand of Bridge and Mozart’s Bastien & Bastienne
Napa Val­ley Opera House
1030 Main Street, Napa, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Samuel Bar­ber’s Hand of Bridge and Mozart’s Bastien & Bastienne
Napa Val­ley Opera House
1030 Main Street, Napa, CA (map)
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Ensem­ble Nova
World pre­miere of “Four poems by Charles Bukows­ki” by the first annu­al George Hitch­cock Award win­ner, Ittai Rosen­baum; music of Johan­na Bey­er and Pauline Oliv­eros; San­ta Cruz com­posers David Her­nan­dez, David Evan Jones, and Evan Merz.
Music Cen­ter Recital Hall, UC San­ta Cruz
1156 High Street, San­ta Cruz, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
The Escalon Cham­ber of Com­merce presents a night of jazz, wine, and food. Event Fly­er
Escalon Wine Stroll
Down­town Escalon, Escalon, CA (map)
Ohne Name
A pro­gram of new music for two bas­soons per­formed by Ohne Name (Dana Jessen and David A. Wells).
Capis­tra­no Hall 151, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Rossini’s La Cener­en­to­la (Cin­derel­la)
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Concert
The 4th Annu­al Robert Danziger Memo­r­i­al Cham­ber Music Con­cert will fea­ture a vari­ety of works for 2 to 6 play­ers, includ­ing works by Rim­sky-Kor­sakov, Gluck, Rochberg, Fau­ré, Nielsen, Wolf­gang, and Mozart. The evening will con­clude with a three-tune set by Hot Club Faux Gitane
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Rossini’s La Cener­en­to­la (Cin­derel­la)
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Merced Sym­pho­ny
Mozart’s Piano Con­cer­to in A major, Lei Liang’s Gobi Can­ti­cle, and Dvorak’s Wind Ser­e­nade give the audi­ence a wide spec­trum of great music.
UC Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd., Merced, CA (map)
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Per­for­mance as part of the duo TuBas­soon with tubist Julian Dixon.
Crock­er Art Muse­um
216 O Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Our Sav­ior’s Luther­an Church
Fran­cis Poulenc’s Glo­ria and Con­cer­to for Two Pianos with pianists Mar­tin Mor­ley and Dale Tsang-Hall.
Our Sav­ior’s Luther­an Church
1035 Car­ol Lane, Lafayette, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute — Fac­ul­ty Recital
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Nico­lasa Kuster, bas­soon — Fac­ul­ty Recital
Play­ing Bruce Rieprich’s When the Pines Sleep It Is Autumn.
Recital Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3515 Pacif­ic Cir­cle, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Stanislaus
Stephen Blum­bergDesert Rains for clar­inet and bas­soon; Pierre Max Dubois — Petite Suite for flute and bas­soon; Bruce ReiprichWhen the Pines Sleep it is Autumn for two bas­soons; Anto­nio Vival­di — Con­cer­to in G Minor, RV 495; Ger­not Wolf­gangCom­mon Ground for cel­lo and bassoon

With: Daniel Davies (cel­lo), Jean­nine Den­nis (flute), Nico­lasa Kuster (bas­soon), San­dra McPher­son (clar­inet), and Faythe Voll­rath (harp­si­chord)
Snider Recital Hall, CSU Stanis­laus
One Uni­ver­si­ty Cir­cle, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Music at Noon
Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in G Minor, RV 495 for bas­soon and strings with Cam­er­a­ta Capis­tra­no, Sacra­men­to State’s Baroque ensemble.
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
Hot Club Faux Gitane
All ages — no cover!
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Townsend Opera
Verdi’s La Travi­a­ta
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Verdi’s La Travi­a­ta
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Merced Sym­pho­ny
Pops con­cert
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
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Music at Noon
A var­ied pro­gram with clar­inetist San­dra McPher­son and pianists John Coz­za and Brad Slocum.
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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St. John’s Cham­ber Orchestra
Gersh­win – An Amer­i­can in Paris
Respighi – The Pines of Rome
The Church of St. John the Evan­ge­list
316 North El Dora­do Street, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Enjoy one of the Barkin’ Dog’s gourmet burg­ers while lis­ten­ing to hot Gyp­sy swing.
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Music at Noon
Per­for­mance with the FABOS wind group: Cathie Apple, flute; Jesse Bar­rett, oboe; Erin Finkel­stein, clar­inet.

Reper­toire TBA
West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Church
1300 N Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Fes­ti­val Ensem­ble: David A. Wells and Friends

Stephen Blum­berg — Desert Rains for clar­inet and bas­soon (World Pre­miere); David Dies — Kai-‘r/xhqt(i)s (West Coast Pre­miere); André Previn — Sonata for Bas­soon and Piano; Erik Span­gler — a fire­fly in the bel­ly for bas­soon and elec­tron­ics (West Coast Pre­miere); Ger­not Wolf­gang — Low Agen­da

With John Coz­za, piano; Thomas Derthick, bass; and San­dra Moats McPher­son, clarinet
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Fes­ti­val Ensem­ble: Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute, and Friends
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Merced Sym­pho­ny
World-renowned Span­ish Clas­si­cal Gui­tarist Jaume Tor­rent is the soloist for Rodrigo’s Concier­to de Aran­juez. The orches­tra also per­forms Tchaikovsky’s 4th Sym­pho­ny and the beau­ti­ful Over­ture to Die Fle­d­er­maus.
Merced The­ater
301 W. Main St., Merced, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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VITA Acad­e­my Ben­e­fit Gala Concert
Mu Phi Epsilon, Capi­tol Cham­ber Play­ers and VITA Acad­e­my present a Gala Ben­e­fit Con­cert for the VITA Acad­e­my Link Up Music Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram. Recep­tion begins at 2pm, with the con­cert at 3. A pro­gram of charm­ers, includ­ing Latin Jazz by Paquito D’Rivera, the Amer­i­cana of Peter Schick­ele and Alfred Loef­fler, Sea Shanties by Mal­colm Arnold, and music by Chen Yi and Theodor Blumer. 

Fea­tur­ing: Pete Nowl­en, french horn; Deb­o­rah Pittman, clar­inet; David Wells, bas­soon; Maque­tte Kuper, flute; Cur­tis Kid­well, oboe; Mea­gan Kil­patrick, piano; Rona Com­mins, soprano.
Cen­tral Unit­ed Methodist Church
5265 H Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Modesto Sym­pho­ny
David Lock­ing­ton, con­duc­tor; Dylana Jen­son, guest violinist

Bach, Orches­tral Suite No. 3; Massenet, “Med­i­ta­tion” from Thaïs; Rav­el, Tzi­gane; Elgar, Ser­e­nade for Strings; Respighi, Ancient Airs and Dances II
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Modesto Sym­pho­ny
David Lock­ing­ton, con­duc­tor; Dylana Jen­son, guest violinist

Bach, Orches­tral Suite No. 3; Massenet, “Med­i­ta­tion” from Thaïs; Rav­el, Tzi­gane; Elgar, Ser­e­nade for Strings; Respighi, Ancient Airs and Dances II
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
Sym­pho­ny Sil­i­con Valley
Paul Polivnick con­ducts Rossini’s Tor­val­do & Dorliska Over­ture, the ‘Love Scene’ from Berlioz’s Romeo & Juli­ette, Liszt’s Hun­gar­i­an Rhap­sody No. 9, and Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5.
Cal­i­for­nia The­atre
345 South First Street, San Jose, CA (map)
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Sym­pho­ny Sil­i­con Valley
Paul Polivnick con­ducts Rossini’s Tor­val­do & Dorliska Over­ture, the ‘Love Scene’ from Berlioz’s Romeo & Juli­ette, Liszt’s Hun­gar­i­an Rhap­sody No. 9, and Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5.
Cal­i­for­nia The­atre
345 South First Street, San Jose, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Tony Ben­nett and Jack­ie Evancho
With the Stock­ton Symphony
Iron­stone Vine­yards
1894 Six Mile Road, Mur­phys, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
No Ordi­nary Carmi­na Burana: A semi-staged pro­duc­tion of Carl Orf­f’s erot­ic clas­sic — fea­tur­ing danc­ing maid­ens, monks, pagan dress, the­atri­cal light­ing, a swan well-done on wry… and oth­er delec­table plea­sures, includ­ing Songs for the Earth by Emma Lou Diemer.
Davies Sym­pho­ny Hall
201 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
The Modesto Cer­ti­fied Farmer’s Mar­ket is locat­ed on 16th Street between H Street and I Streets, along side of the Stanis­laus Coun­ty Library in down­town Modesto.
Modesto Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers Mar­ket
16th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
No Ordi­nary Carmi­na Burana: A semi-staged pro­duc­tion of Carl Orf­f’s erot­ic clas­sic — fea­tur­ing danc­ing maid­ens, monks, pagan dress, the­atri­cal light­ing, a swan well-done on wry… and oth­er delec­table plea­sures, includ­ing Songs for the Earth by Emma Lou Diemer.
Davies Sym­pho­ny Hall
201 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Inter­na­tion­al Dou­ble Reed Soci­ety Conference
A duo recital with Nico­lasa Kuster of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic. Bas­soon duos by Fran­cis­co Mignone, Alexan­dros Kalogeras, and Bruce Reiprich.
Mia­mi Uni­ver­si­ty Art Muse­um
801 South Pat­ter­son Avenue, Oxford, OH (map)
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Inter­na­tion­al Dou­ble Reed Soci­ety Conference
Per­form­ing Andre Previn’s Sonata for bas­soon and piano
Mia­mi Uni­ver­si­ty Art Muse­um
801 South Pat­ter­son Avenue, Oxford, OH (map)
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Sequoia Cham­ber Music Workshop
This fac­ul­ty recital will include works by Carter, Brahms, O’Con­nor, Nielsen, Loef­fler, Haydn, and Martinu.
Fulk­er­son Recital Hall, Hum­boldt State Uni­ver­si­ty
1 Harpst Street, Arca­ta, CA (map)
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Sequoia Cham­ber Music Workshop
This fac­ul­ty con­cert will include works by Françaix, Bar­tok, Klughardt, Mozart, Rous­sel, and Hummel
Fulk­er­son Recital Hall, Hum­boldt State Uni­ver­si­ty
1 Harpst Street, Arca­ta, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
From the event page: “Join us for a love­ly adult evening stroll through the lush grounds of Cre­ative Water Gar­dens while lis­ten­ing to the sounds of run­ning water and live jazz from Hot Club Faux Gitane, sam­pling deli­cious­ly catered appe­tiz­ers while sip­ping a glass of wine and bid­ding on excit­ing silent auc­tion items…all while meet­ing Escalon busi­ness mem­bers and view­ing their wares togeth­er with oth­ers from our com­mu­ni­ty. Admis­sion is free.”
Escalon Extrav­a­gan­za
19777 McHen­ry Ave., Escalon, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Bizet’s Car­men
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Bizet’s Car­men
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Mar­di Gras in April! Wine, food, and jazz by Hot Club Faux Gitane. Admis­sion ($25 in advance/$30 at the door) includes wine tast­ing, a glass, sand­wich­es, and hors d’oeuvres.
Escalon Wine Stroll
Down­town Escalon, Escalon, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, Sacra­men­to State
P.D.Q. Bach “Dutch” Suite with Julian Dixon, tuba; Gabriel Fau­ré Sicili­enne with Richard Cionco, piano; Alfon­so Fuentes Mejun­je del Fagob­on­go with Daniel Kennedy, bon­gos; Fran­cis­co Mignone Cin­co peças with Robin Fish­er, sopra­no; Fran­cis Poulenc Sonata with Scott Ander­son, clar­inet; Sergei Rach­mani­nov “Do Not Sing, My Beau­ty” with Richard Cionco, piano; Alexan­dros Kalogeras Music for Two Bas­soons with Nico­lasa Kuster; Heitor Vil­la-Lobos Bachi­anas Brazilieras No. 6 with Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fac­ul­ty Recital, CSU Sacramento
P.D.Q. Bach “Dutch” Suite with Julian Dixon, tuba; Gabriel Fau­ré Sicili­enne with Richard Cionco, piano; Alfon­so Fuentes Mejun­je del Fagob­on­go with Daniel Kennedy, bon­gos; Fran­cis­co Mignone Cin­co peças with Robin Fish­er, sopra­no; Fran­cis Poulenc Sonata with Scott Ander­son, clar­inet; Sergei Rach­mani­nov “Do Not Sing, My Beau­ty” with Richard Cionco, piano; Alexan­dros Kalogeras Music for Two Bas­soons with Nico­lasa Kuster; Heitor Vil­la-Lobos Bachi­anas Brazilieras No. 6 with Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Sacra­men­to Choral Soci­ety & Orchestra
Eng­lish Grandeur — A Trib­ute to the Eng­lish Roman­tic Tra­di­tion

William Wal­ton — Bels­haz­zar’s Feast, Ralph Vaugh­an Williams — A Song of Thanks­giv­ing and Five Mys­ti­cal Songs, William Math­ias — Let the Peo­ple Praise Thee, O God
Sacra­men­to Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter The­ater
1301 L Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Avi Avi­tal, man­dolin

Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: L’italiana in Algeri Over­ture; Gio­van­ni Paisiel­lo: Con­cer­to for Man­dolin & Strings in E‑flat major; Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: String Sonata #2 in A major; Felix Mendelssohn: Sym­pho­ny #4 in A major, Op. 90 (“Ital­ian”)
First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church
2345 Chan­ning Way, Berke­ley, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Avi Avi­tal, man­dolin

Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: L’italiana in Algeri Over­ture; Gio­van­ni Paisiel­lo: Con­cer­to for Man­dolin & Strings in E‑flat major; Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: String Sonata #2 in A major; Felix Mendelssohn: Sym­pho­ny #4 in A major, Op. 90 (“Ital­ian”)
Men­lo-Ather­ton Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts
555 Mid­dle­field Road, Ather­ton, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Cham­ber Orchestra
Ben­jamin Simon, con­duc­tor; Avi Avi­tal, man­dolin

Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: L’italiana in Algeri Over­ture; Gio­van­ni Paisiel­lo: Con­cer­to for Man­dolin & Strings in E‑flat major; Gioachi­no Rossi­ni: String Sonata #2 in A major; Felix Mendelssohn: Sym­pho­ny #4 in A major, Op. 90 (“Ital­ian”)
Herb­st The­atre
401 Van Ness Ave., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Valle­jo Symphony
David Ramadanoff, con­duc­tor

Gioacchi­no Rossi­ni: Semi­ramide Over­ture; Gabriel Fau­re: Pavane; Johannes Brahms: Sym­pho­ny No. 4 in E minor
Lan­der Hall, Touro Uni­ver­si­ty
1310 John­son Lane, Valle­jo, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Play­ing in the lob­by of the Gal­lo Cen­ter for the hour before An Evening With Gar­ri­son Keil­lor.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Play­ing in the lob­by of the Gal­lo Cen­ter for the hour before the mati­nee of Young Franken­stein.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Mesopotami­an Night
The Assyr­i­an Aid Soci­ety’s Fifth Annu­al Mesopotami­an Night.

Singers Lazar Malko, Salem Sefo, Tony Gabriel, Jowan David, and Rita Toma Davoud along with “Malek Rama: The Hand­some Prince,” a musi­cal by Edwin Elieh based on poems of Rabi Han­ni­bal Alkhas.
Moun­tain View Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts
500 Cas­tro Street, Moun­tain View, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Gilbert and Sul­li­van’s The Mika­do
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Townsend Opera
Gilbert and Sul­li­van’s The Mika­do
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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St. John’s Cham­ber Orchestra
Reper­toire includes Cop­land — An Out­door Over­ture, Elgar — “Nim­rod” from Enig­ma Vari­a­tions, Bach — Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D Minor, Shostakovich – Folk Fes­ti­val, Bern­stein – Selec­tions from West Side Sto­ry, and Gersh­win – Selec­tions from Por­gy and Bess
The Church of St. John the Evan­ge­list
316 North El Dora­do Street, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
We’ll be play­ing in the lob­by of the Gal­lo Cen­ter for the hour before the Big Bad Voodoo Dad­dy show.
Gal­lo Cen­ter for the Arts
1000 I Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Barkin’ Dog Grill
940 11th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Bas­soon Symposium
In recital at the Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion and Sym­po­sium. Shar­ing the con­cert with bas­soon­ists Steve Paul­son, Car­olyn Beck, Rod­ney Ack­mann, Kristin Wolfe-Jensen, Nathan Koch, Nico­lasa Kuster, and Ley­la Zamora.
Long The­atre, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pacif­ic
3601 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
FBC’s Christ­mas Concert
First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
267 N. Mills Ave., Lodi, CA (map)
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Cen­tral Unit­ed Methodist Church
The Win­ter Rose, a Christ­mas cantata
Cen­tral Unit­ed Methodist Church
3700 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
FBC’s Christ­mas Concert
First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
267 N. Mills Ave., Lodi, CA (map)
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First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
FBC’s Christ­mas Concert
First Bap­tist Church of Lodi
267 N. Mills Ave., Lodi, CA (map)
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Lafayette-Orin­da Pres­by­ter­ian Church
This Shin­ing Night with the LOPC Fes­ti­val Choir
Lafayette-Orin­da Pres­by­ter­ian Church
49 Knox Dri­ve, Lafayette, CA (map)
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Lafayette-Orin­da Pres­by­ter­ian Church
This Shin­ing Night with the LOPC Fes­ti­val Choir
Lafayette-Orin­da Pres­by­ter­ian Church
49 Knox Dri­ve, Lafayette, CA (map)
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CSU Sacra­men­to Sym­pho­ny Orchestra
Sit­ting in on con­tra­bas­soon with the stu­dent orches­tra for Brahm­s’s Sym­pho­ny No. 4. Oth­er works on the pro­gram are by Schu­mann and Grieg.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Pacif­ic Cham­ber Symphony
Han­del’s “Mes­si­ah”
Bankhead The­ater
2400 First Street, Liv­er­more, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
Mozart Grand Mass in C Minor and Olli Kor­te­kan­gas Sev­en Songs for Plan­et Earth
Cal­vary Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2515 Fill­more St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Choral Society
Mozart Grand Mass in C Minor and Olli Kor­te­kan­gas Sev­en Songs for Plan­et Earth
Cal­vary Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2515 Fill­more St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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Amer­i­can Musi­co­log­i­cal Soci­ety Conference
Pow­er and Aes­thet­ics in Eigh­teenth-Cen­tu­ry France, Down­ing Thomas (Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa), Chair
Eric J. Wang: “The Qui­et Hand: Aes­thet­ics of Bod­i­ly Deco­rum in the Key­board Music of François Couperin“
Byron Sar­tain: “‘Unpar­don­able Neg­li­gence’: Aes­thet­ic Con­tin­gency and the Man­u­script Dis­sem­i­na­tion of François Couperin’s Pièces de clavecin
Olivia Bloechl: “The Tor­ment­ing Orches­tra“
David A. Wells: “The Case of Rameau’s Par­ques: Cross Cast­ing in Hip­poly­te et Aricie
Hyatt Recen­cy Hotel
5 Embar­cadero Cen­ter, San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Dead Elvis for bas­soon and cham­ber ensem­ble with the CSUS Sym­phon­ic Wind Ensemble
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Fes­ti­val of New Amer­i­can Music
Music by CSUS fac­ul­ty mem­ber Lau­rel Zuck­er with Lau­rel Zuck­er, flute; Deb­o­rah Shi­dler, oboe; Roman Fucham­sky, clar­inet, David Wells, bas­soon; Eric Achen, horn; Steve Roach, flugel­horn; Mark Del­pri­o­ra, gui­tar; James Een, vio­la; David Gold­blatt, cel­lo; Andres Gor­bachenko, bass; and Fred Mor­gan, vibraphone.
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Oak­land East Bay Symphony
Gersh­win: An Amer­i­can in Paris; Elling­ton: New World A‑Comin’; Bern­stein: Sym­pho­ny No. 2, “The Age of Anx­i­ety”; Ginastera: Estancia, Op. 8
Para­mount The­ater
2025 Broad­way, Oak­land, CA (map)
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San Fran­cis­co Acad­e­my Orchestra
Kent, Nagano, Con­duc­tor. Sacred and Sec­u­lar music from Bach to Gilchrist. A Gala cel­e­bra­tion of com­pos­er Alden Gilchrist’s 60 year tenure as Music Direc­tor of San Fran­cis­co’s his­toric Cal­vary Pres­by­ter­ian Church.
Cal­vary Pres­by­ter­ian Church
2515 Fill­more St., San Fran­cis­co, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Music in the Plaza
1010 10th Street, Modesto, CA (map)
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Hot Club Faux Gitane
Vin­tage Lounge
130 West Main Street, Tur­lock, CA (map)
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CSU Sacra­men­to Sym­pho­ny Orchestra
Capis­tra­no Con­cert Hall, CSU Sacra­men­to
6000 J Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Smetana: The Moldau, He Zhan­hao & Chen Gang: But­ter­fly Lovers Vio­lin Con­cer­to; Brahms: Sym­pho­ny No. 3
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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Stock­ton Symphony
Smetana: The Moldau, He Zhan­hao & Chen Gang: But­ter­fly Lovers Vio­lin Con­cer­to; Brahms: Sym­pho­ny No. 3
Ather­ton Audi­to­ri­um, Delta Col­lege
5151 Pacif­ic Avenue, Stock­ton, CA (map)
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