Blank Fingering Chart Paper

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Although I’ve set out all of my basic fin­ger­ings in my fin­ger­ing charts, from time to time I find myself want­i­ng to make note of an eas­i­er way to pro­duce a par­tic­u­lar trill, spe­cial fin­ger­ings for har­mon­ics or mul­ti­phon­ics, or a new alter­nate fin­ger­ing I’ve learned from a col­league. To make this eas­i­er, I whipped up a print­able blank fin­ger­ing chart that makes it easy to jot down a fin­ger­ing quick­ly and leg­i­bly. The staves are com­plete­ly emp­ty so that you can write notes in any clef, and the blank fin­ger­ing dia­grams are once again cour­tesy of Bret Pimentel’s Fin­ger­ing Dia­gram Builder. I hope you’ll find this to be use­ful, too!

Update (6/25/2014): Find the lat­est ver­sion of my blank fin­ger­ing chart paper here:

  • Suzanne McGowen

    April 13th, 2015


    Leigh Munoz gave me this web­site as a resource. I am an oboist/beginning band direc­tor and am start­ing bas­soon­ists for the first time! I am try­ing to get a copy of your fin­ger­ing chart but I can­not access the link. Is there anoth­er way I can get a copy of this.

  • Sarah

    July 12th, 2017


    Hel­lo David! May I please use your blank fin­ger­ing chart page on my edu­ca­tion­al web­site? I’m mak­ing it as part of my Mas­ters degree, so every­thing is pure­ly educational.
    Thank you!

    • David A. Wells

      July 12th, 2017


      Yes, of course!

  • anna emery

    February 9th, 2018


    Thank you, David. This is a huge ser­vice to some of us musi­cians, sav­ing us a lot of time!

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